Mo’ Meetings!

Well, this is irritating. The finance committee agenda for tonight no longer contains the capital budget, and the Policy Policy Committee has added and agenda – so this is amore thorough Mo’ meetings than usual! These are two very important changes . . .

Ok – so the agenda I posted yesterday said this
7:30 PM Finance Committee City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 201
– 2019 Capital Budget Hearings
– 2019 Executive Capital Budget

But now, tonight the FINANCE COMMITTEE agenda has these items on it instead!
Authorizing the City of Madison to provide coverage for medically necessary procedures, services, and supplies associated with gender reassignment, from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018.
Authorizing a noncompetitive contract with Interpreters Cooperative of Madison for in person language interpretation services.
Authorizing a noncompetitive contract with Purple Communications for in person American Sign Language interpretation services.
Amending the 2018 Adopted Engineering – Facilities Management Capital Budget for the Walter Street Restroom Building project.
Authorizing the execution of a lease with Star Investments LLC for temporary space at 209 Cottage Grove Avenue for the relocation of the Pinney Library.
Amending the 2018 Adopted Operating Budget to appropriate $319,624.40 of CDA reserve funds for capital improvements at Parkside Apartments.
Revising the Authorization for the City, through the Community Development Division, to enter into a purchase of service contract with Urban League of Greater Madison, Fiscal Agent for Opportunity Inc., funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice – Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to address the issues of youth violence on Madison’s Northside and guided by recommendation from a rigorous community-based strategic planning process.
Approving the allocation of up to $36,250 in Community Building and Engagement (CBE) funds authorized in 2018, and up to $107,000 in 2019 funds, pending adoption of the City’s 2019 Operating Budget, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into agreements with specified agencies to implement the designated projects.
Judge Doyle Project Update (closed session)

The MADISON POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURE REVIEW AD HOC COMMITTEE wasn’t posted yesterday, but has this on its agenda:
Presentation and discussion with John Halloway, Executive Director of the Quattrone Center, and Michael Bell regarding the development of a root cause analysis process at MPD
Review and discussion of action items numbers 2, 5, and 11 located in the President’s Work Group on Police and Community Relations report
Review and discussion of OIR’s recommendation no. 10 found in OIR’s Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review
– – “MPD should consider implementing the 21st Century Policing Task Force’s Action Item to make all department policies available for public review.”
Review and discussion of OIR’s recommendation no. 11 found in OIR’s Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review
– – “As part of its ongoing and constructive support on an innovative program, MPD should dialogue with its criminal justice partners to consider whether restorative justice programs available for controversial high media profile incidents can be made available for similar incidents that do not rise to the same level of medial attention.”
Review and discussion of OIR’s recommendation No. 18 found in OIR’s Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review
– – “MPD should revise policy discouraging the use of family, friends, or bystands to serve as translators, except when MPD or City resources are not available and the situation is exigent. In cases when civilians are used as translators, the non-availability of other MPD resources should be documented.”
Review and discussion of OIR’s recommendation No. 19 in OIR’s Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review
– – “MPD should devise policy instruction its officers not to requrest social workers to provide translation services unless there is a pre-exisiting understanding with the social services agency that they agree to do so.”
Review and discussion of OIR’s recommendation No. 20 found in OIR’s Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review
– – “MPD should devise ways to incentivize its bilingual officers to assist in providing translations assistance in the field, including the consideration of adopting a pay differential.”
Review and discussion of OIR’s recommendation no. 75 found in OIR’s Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review
– – “MPD should develop a robust review process after a critical incident such as an officer-involved shooting that examines the incident through the lenses of performance, training, supervision, equipment, and accountability. The review process should consider pre-incident decision making and tactics, the use of force, and post-incident response, including the provision of medical care and communication with family members. The review process should include the development of a corrective remedial plan designed to identify and address any issues identified.”

This meeting was also added:
9/13/2018 2:00 PM ERLANGER, JEFFREY CLAY, CIVILITY IN PUBLIC DISCOURSE AWARD COMMITTEE 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Rm. 403B, City-County Building


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