More Business Recycling Please

People who have been in my car know, it is usually littered with aluminum cans. Why? Partially because I can’t always find a recycling bin. Partially, cuz I don’t clean my car that often. Which is why I found this email to the northside discuss listserve of interest:

All over town, I see recyclables in the trash, because businesses do not provide a way for customers to recycle. I often see this at convenience stores, gas stations, and laundromats.

Thank you to businesses who take this seriously. I think that those who do not take it seriously should be called on it.

Here is the law in Madison, according to George Dreckmann (also a northsider.)


Businesses are required to recycle the same as you or I. They are also required to provide a means for their customers to recycle. Once they have provided a recycling bin it is up to the customers to use it and the business is not responsible for customers who put recyclables in the trash if they are supplying a recycling bin.

If you encounter businesses that are not providing recycling for their customers you can report the violations to Building Inspection at 266-4551.


George P. Dreckmann
Recycling Coordinator

Sounds like a good idea, businesses aren’t all going to recycle on their own, the building inspector isn’t going to go out an check, so the only way to get them to recycle is to first, ask them. Then, if they don’t change, call the building inspector. Or, even easier, use the report a problem. Tho I can’t find something that fits precisely, pick a category and make it work or email


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