More Messed Up Meetings

This time, its the state. Is the High Speed Rail meeting tomorrow about the corridor or the station? Here’s another contradicting message from the top.

Per Leanna Wall, DOT project mgr – the meeting IS to include corridor issues – as written on the post card – she didn’t know why the email only mentioned station, she thought maybe bc the station was getting more media attention (?) Anyway it certainly sounds like it would be the time & place for corridor issues … though I imagine there might still be a lot of “we dont know.”

Postcard says station and corridor.

Email says station.

New email says station and corridor.

Regardless, I’m not sure it will matter, as the meeting is likely to be another charade where they have already decided things and they are making it look like public input. And the answers will remain vague at best and as the writer of the emails says “we don’t know” and “ask us at the other meeting”. I don’t even know if I’m going to bother to attend, and I’m sure that others are feeling the same way. So, their strategy (intentional or not) is having the desired effect.

Here’s the “details” (maybe) on the meeting tomorrow night. Minus the portion about the corridor which may or may not be discussed.

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) will be holding a public information meeting to discuss the Madison high-speed rail station. The discussion is scheduled for Thursday, July 29 from 4:30-7:30 p.m. at the Wisconsin Department of Administration building, 101 E. Wilson St., Madison.

The open house meeting will include information on the Madison station design options. Members of the WisDOT project team will be on hand to answer questions and discuss the station.

Please feel free to share the attached flyer with your constituents. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I also encourage you to sign up for WisDOT’s Wisconsin Rail listserv. You can do so by visiting

Warmest regards,



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