Nearly 2 months later . . . nothing.

On Wednesday it will be 2 months since Tony Robinson has been shot and the council and mayor have yet to write a no-brainer resolution.

Even the police chief, Mike Koval said this was the one thing he could agree on. Of course, he plans to ignore any recommendations, but he wasn’t opposed to people working on this.

I would be happy to have the Public Safety Review Committee (PSRC) examine all of our policies to check for concerns that may lead to unintended consequences. Or, if there is a different entity that you would like to have review responsibilities, that would be fine with me as well.

He said that nearly 7 weeks ago.

The council started to do something 3/27. Over 5 weeks ago. A month ago they introduced . . . well nothing.
police policies

In April, we got nothing.

At their first meeting in May, they will do nothing. The agenda says this (number 77)

Seriously? If it’s this hard to decide to do something I’m guessing that once the group gets to work, not much will happen for years. And how many people will get shot and killed during that time? Nothing urgent, take your time.

And the public, how do they get involved in this? So something might actually happen?

Looks like Chief Couper was on the same wave length today . . . .

Chief Koval, not so much.


  1. We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.

    Ronald Reagan

    I never have had a whole lot of love for Ronny, but, he or the speech writer that penned this hit it right on the head.

  2. Wow, I am sitting on the toilet reading this and I want to get up and put my hand on my heart and sing the Star Spangled Banner.
    Quotes by Ronald Reagan who deemed the image of the African American mother, “a welfare queen.” hhahahahaha

  3. I initially got on here to say, Maybe if Tony Robinson had been an atheist the council could come up with something.


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