Neighborhood Issue Resolved?

Well, the developer is once again communicating with the neighborhood and the meeting will go on. Here’s the details.

The 700North development (The Constellation) neighborhood steering committee meeting will proceed. The neighborhood process issues raised by Alder Bridgit Maniaci have been reviewed and the neighborhood and the developer have agreed to move forward with the meeting as planned.

Date: Wednesday, November 23, from 7-9PM
Location: common room of the Tenney Apartments, 302 N. Baldwin.

Anyone who wishes to attend and participate should feel free to do so.
Some of you have sent me comments related to this development project.
All input is being recorded and tracked on a website that was set up to track and record this process. It includes meeting dates, agendas ,
meeting minutes, and plan revisions.

Note, if you send me comments, please include your full name and street address.

Depending on how far along the developer is with their proposal on
Wednesday, there will likely be a full neighborhood meeting very soon to go over the plan that the developer wishes to submit to the city. I
will keep these lists updated with all plan changes as they are made
known to us.

Here are the folks I know will be coming on Wednesday:

Patrick Heck, condo assoc. President, Das Kronenberg
David Waugh, TLNA council, Development Chairperson
Richard Linster, TLNA council, President
Patty Prime, TLNA council , Treasurer
Jim Wright, TLNA Council, Johnson Street Business District

Others in the neighborhood who have expressed interest and may be attending:
Joe Shumow,
Richard Freihoefer
Bill McGraff
Patricia Kelly
Kevin Luecke

Brenda Konkel will be attending as an interested party from neighboring
James Madison Park District

Thanks much!
David Waugh


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