Neighborhood Meeting on Hovde Proposal/Downtown Firestation

Neighborhood meeting . . . Thursday. Busy week.

Proposed Redevelopment of 305/309 W. Johnson Street
Thursday, April 12, 2012 – 7:00 p.m.
Madison Senior Center – 330 W. Mifflin Street

Hovde Properties is proposing a mixed-use development at 305/309 W. Johnson Street. The development site could also include the current location of the Fire Department Administration building and Fire Station #1, located at 325 W. Johnson Street and 316 W. Dayton Street, respectively. The area of the buildable site ranges from 40,334 to 61,132 square feet. All the current structures on the site would be razed. The mix of uses includes: Approximately 10,000 square feet of retail space on W. Johnson Street, between 180 and 250 residential apartment units, between 200 and 400 structured parking stalls and an approximately 50,000 square foot fire station/administration building. There will likely be a combination of residential apartment units consisting of studios, one bedrooms, one bedrooms plus den, two bedrooms and two bedrooms with dens. The structure will vary in height across the site from 4 to 14 floors. The vehicular access to the parking garage will initially be off W. Johnson Street. Hovde Properties and City of Madison staff will present options at the meeting that have been discussed to date.

I look forward to seeing you on the 12th.

For more information, please contact:
Alderperson Mike Verveer
Madison Common Council
Fourth District
Cell Phone: (608) 576-4355
Home Phone: (608) 255-6498
Office phone: (608) 266-4071


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