Neighborhood Meeting to Discuss Tearing Down More Historic Buildings

Contributing Buildings in Langdon Neighborhood Proposed for Demolition for Apartment – neighborhood meeting next Wednesday. This is from Ledell Zellers “updates”.

Houses Proposed for Demolition

Two houses identified as contributing to the Langdon National Register Historic District are proposed for demolition to build an apartment building. The house located at 622 ( Mary Harnden House) Howard Place was built in 1909. The house located at 632 (Harry Curtis Multi-Unit House) Howard Place was built in 1910. The house at 632 Howard Place is described as being of Queen Anne style with “details which suggest the Tudor revival style.” The National Register of Historic Places documentation for the Langdon District can be found:


The houses are:
The peach colored house is 632 Howard Place. The one to the left of 632 is 622 Howard Place.

howard pl demolition

Downtown Plan and the Langdon Neighborhood

The Downtown Plan, adopted in 2012, has a section about the Langdon Neighborhood on page 54. The Downtown Plan can be found:

Two recommendations relate to contributing buildings in the National Register Historic District. They are:

Recommendation 94: Encourage preservation and rehabilitation of contributing historic buildings.

Recommendation 95: Encourage relatively higher-density infill and redevelopment that is compatible with the historic context in scale and design on non-landmark locations and sites that are not identified as contribuing to the National Register Historic District.

The Downtown Plan also says “The Langdon neighborhood is well situated to continue as a predominately student neighborhood. It is one of the most densely developed areas of the city, but can accommodate a limited amount of higher-density residential redevelopment on selected sites while preserving the historic and architectural heritage of the area.” The Howard Court site for this proposed development is close to the Iota Court (aka Waterfront) development which was approved early in 2013.

Proposed Apartment Building

The building proposed for this site is a five-story, 33 unit/47 resident apartment building. The proposal is by Becky Anderson, property owner, with Mark Smith, JLA Architects. The proposed building would be primarily clad in brick/stone masonry and fiber cement panels. As currently conceived the proposal is:

howard pl new building

Neighborhood Meeting

A neighborhood meeting will be held on Wednesday August 28, 2013 at 7:00 pm in the Lowell Hall Dining Room at 610 Langdon Street. I encourage interested residents and others who care about this special area of our city to come to the meeting to learn more and share your thoughts about the proposed development.

Thank you.


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