New Library Director

Their candidate accepted, its up to the council to now approve.

We’re happy to announce that Greg Mickells has accepted the Library Director position. Pending Council approval of his contract, he will start in early September. I spoke with him Friday afternoon and he sounded very excited. He said that he was impressed with how engaged the staff is and how much we have “going for us.” At Tripp’s suggestion, we discussed how and when to begin to include him in MPL business. We’ll be discussing logistics at our Management Team meeting tomorrow but have already landed on sending him info on the strategic planning process, the rebranding project, Chapter 43, etc., as well as signing him up for various email discussion lists.

Please let me know if you have other suggestions.

Susan Lee, Interim Director/Library Business Operations Manager
Ph: 608-266-6383 Fax: 608-266-4283


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