No body cams. End of Discussion.

I think not.

This is from Gloria Reyes in the Mayor’s office:

Alder DeMarb and Cheeks, Can you please forward the below update to the Alders.

Hello Alders, I apologize that this did not get to you before it got out to media. I have to learn to move faster than they do. 🙂

The Body Camera Committee met today and voted 4-2 against implementing body cameras within the Madison Police Department.

If you recall the resolution charged the committee to make recommendations on 1) how to continue to ensure positive relationships and trust between MPD and our residents and 2) the framework for a pilot study for the use of body cameras including but not limited to policies and practices and their impact on citizens and city agencies and fiscal implications.

The committee will be coming before the council to provide you with an update and provide a report on the community engagement conducted by the YWCA and Center for Family Policy & Practice that helped guide their decision. The committee will continue their work on #1 of the resolution on exploring further how to improve relationship and trust between MPD and community. A resolution will come before you and the Mayor asking for a continuation of this work with additional fiscal note attached.

The committee has listened to the voice of our community and they are motivated to continue their work with the Madison Police Department and our community to improve the foundational principle of relationship, trust and legitimacy between law enforcement and the communities they serve.

Thank you and please call if you have any questions,


Lot’s to comment on here. Gloria is a former Detective for MPD, now working in the Mayor’s office. ‘Nuff said.

I blogged about the process a few days ago – so much going on this week.

With a topic this big and this controversial, this can’t be the process that makes the determination. In thinking about Tony Robinson and Pauly Heenan, I’m guessing that neighborhood and their friends and families might have something to say. They might have some input. Imagine if Matt Kenney had a body cam on him. I’m against body cams, but when I think about that, I waiver. I would have appreciated a public process to hear divergent opinions. This report might be awesome, but without the public dialogue, I think we need to start over. This is too big and too important not to do so.

I’m still stunned that this was the process. Wasn’t at all what I expected.


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