November Elections: What’s At Risk?

It seems like more than ever! Can you imagine a world where Russ Feingold loses to Ron Johnson and Wisconsin sends one more millionaire to Congress? They tell us it could happen! That, and so much more . . . and much of it is equally horrifying. I talk with Mark Pocan about why these elections are so important and the impact of money and these negative ads in elections, and what we need to do if we care about the future of Wisonsin for the next 4 – 6 years. Hint . . . VOTE NOVEMEBER 2ND!!!!!

You know, I’m not even a Democrat, but the prospects of what our world could look like after these elections has me concerned about the Democrats keeping enough seats in the State Assembly and Sennate and the Governors office, because the alternatives are just scary. Of course, in the one race where you can vote even better, for a Green Candidate, that is even better! I just can’t stomach the thought of some of these candidates and their supporters buying the elections and so many Wisconsinites being duped into believing that this is what would be best for them. Get informed! Please watch, and please vote and get everyone you know to vote two weeks from today . . . or vote early! Just vote! Our future depends on it!


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