Occupy Madison to Be Shut Down Today? (Updated)

They don’t plan to apply for a permit. You might want to get down there if you care and you can. Or send an email in support!

Public Health has demanded that Occupy Madison apply for a Special Event Campground permit for the 800 block of the city owned Don Miller property (East Washington and Livingston). Members were informed that this permit was required to be filed by noon Wednesday, November 2nd. At Occupy Madison’s 26th General Assembly (10/01) it was decided by consensus to not comply with this demand. We are well informed that a process to remove the occupation could follow including citations and arrests. We at Occupy Madison fully expect these events to occur soon after noon tomorrow, the 2nd of November. Join us in person to stand in solidarity with occupation efforts across the globe. Spread the word as widely as possible. Demand the personal involvement of the mayor. Occupy Madison is not camping. We’re a political demonstration of resistance against austerity well within our rights of free speech and peaceable assembly.

Thank you for the consideration, Solidarity!

Additional information . . . . (slightly amended)

Occupy Madison is calling for people to join them at the old Don Miller lot, 800 block of East Washington, at NOON TODAY, Tuesday, in support of their right to stay there.

You can also e-mail the mayor at mayor@cityofmadison.com, and your alder at districtX@cityofmadison.com — where I have the “X” put in your district number; if you don’t know it, check cityofmadison.com to find it.

If you e-mail them, you might want to remind them of the deal the City made with OM. You might also want to mention: (1) Occupy Madison isn’t just a bunch of campers, but rather part of a world-wide movement to highlight injustice and inspire action; (2) if they’re evicted from this site, they’re not just going home, and (3) it would make more sense, instead of spending City resources on repeated evictions from this site or anywhere else, to use those resources for the minimal infrastructure needed at the old Don Miller lot to create a safe and healthy place for the Occupiers and their many allied visitors. The City of Madison, and all its departments, should be working with Occupy Madison, not following the bad examples of cities which have taken the crack-down approach. At the least, the City should keep its bargain with OM.

Or, email allalders@cityofmadison.com and make sure to include your address so they know who’s constituent you are!


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