Grrr. I haven’t been posting when the city adds meetings, and now I’m realizing I’m not longer getting the notices, not since January 16th??? Here’s one that is noteworthy. Sigh . . . looks like I’ve gotten about 80 notices of late meeting in 4 months. About 20/month.
Here’s the meeting that (oops) wasn’t posted.
5:00 PM
Madison Police Department Policy & Procedure Review Ad Hoc Committee
Urban League of Greater Madison
2222 S Park St
Madison, WI 53713
1. 13077 Presentation by the Madison Police Department (the chief or designee) on the MPD’s response to the OIR report, with follow-up discussion of the MPD report. (no information linked)
2. 13529 Review and discussion of the OIR surveys and their implications for the final report (no information linked)
3. 11502 Discussion of the Committee’s process for moving forward and plans for what the final product will look like that the Committee will send to the Common Council (no information linked)