Operating Budget Amendments by Alders (Updated 2)

Here’s what the Board of Estimates will be discussing on Monday. They just came out at noon. Link to them is here for more detail. There’s 28, here’s my summary:

1 – GENERAL – Mayor Dave shuffles revenues based on estimates made early in the budget and new money from ATC.
2 – CAPITAL REVOLVING FUND – Verveer increases Capital Revolving Fund by $50K for facade grants, no impact on the levy because funds come from the fund.
3 – POLICE – Add 8 police officers in May, $286,690 for this year and nearly double that for years to come. Clausius, Bruer and Skidmore sponsoring. Equipment being paid for from JAG grant, delays promotion of 4 detectives until mid-year.
4 – PUBLIC HEALTH -Cnare, Rhodes-Conway and Clear restore funding for Infant Mortality Project. $15,060
5 – PUBLIC HEALTH – Cnare, Rhodes-Conway and Clear restore funding for Well and Septic Permit Scanning project $29,004
6 – COMMON COUNCIL – Starting the Common Council policy analyst position in June instead of December $36,960, sponsored by Schmidt, Bidar-Sielaff, Rhodes-Conway and Verveer.
7 – COMMON COUNCIL – Alder Health Insurance – $40,000, Alder Maniaci (and Clear as a courtesy)
8 – CLERK – $32K for Clerk’s Office for County Executive race presumed to be on the ballot in April due to anticipated increased turn out. Schmidt, Clear and Rhodes-Conway.
9 – CLERK – Verveer potential contingent reserve funding for elections up to $58,490
10 – STORMWATER/STREETS/TRAFFIC – Verveer funding for Clean Streets/Clean Lakes so downtown streets can get swept once a week, money is for signs, money to come from Stormwater Utility and increased parking fines associated with the increased street sweeping area of $50K.
11 – PARKS – Neighborhood Ice rink at Nakoma Park, Solomon and Clear for $5,300
12 – PARKS – Neighborhood Ice rink at Heritage Heights Park for $5,300 from Cnare and Clear.
13 – PARKS – Parks Maintenance Worker and supplies for Lisa Link Peace Park, to be paid for by ATM and special assessments of property owners – no impact by Verveer.
14 – STREETS – Printing and mailing of recycling calendar by Rhodes-Conway, $25K.
15 A – STREETS – Overtime funding for “student move out” (grrrrr, not everyone who moves on August 15th are students!) of $25,020 from Kerr, Bidar-Sielaff, Eagon, Maniaci, Clear and Verveer.
15 B – STREETS – Same thing as 15 A, except Verveer wants to “recognize sufficient General Fund revenues will be generated by Streets Division operations pertaining to the Clean Streets/lean Lakes program to offset the additional expense for student move out refuse pick up program” See Amendment 10.
16 – STREETS/METRO – Schmidt and Rhodes Conway add 2 lead workers and 6 Street Machine Operator 2’s to Streets Division in September for clearing bus stops of snow and to help year round with stump removal, curb repair, bike path maintenance, brush and leaf collection and Emerald Ash Borer stump removal. $221,203
17 – WATER – Rummel, Rhodes-Conway and Verveer adding $16,500 for Crowley Station improvements (planters, cafe tables, irrigation system) on E Wilson St. Money comes from water utility.
18 – METRO/TRAFFIC ENGINEERING – Rhodes-Conway and Verveer bus stop signs, $30K
19 – TRAFFIC ENGINEERING – Ped/Bike Coordinator position restored and Bike/Ped Program Manager eliminated by Maniaci, Cnare and Clear $8,160
20 – PARKING – “Further automation of parking facilities is prohibited unless approved by the Transit and Parking Commission and the Common Council.” by Verveer and Rhodes-Cownay – no dollar impact.
21 – PARKING – Clarifies that signage for Parking utility is for communication to customers, not for additional automation – also Verveer and Rhodes-Conway and no dollar impact.
22 – PLANNING – Restore hourly employees in planning. Rhodes-Conway and Verveer $10,017.
23 – PLANNING – Increased funding for Neighborhood grants by $50K to fully fund consultant prepared neighborhood plans and studies. Schmidt and Rhodes-Conway.
24 – BUILDING INSPECTION – Verveer reducing salary savings and getting revenue from in increased fees in Building Inspection, no dollar impact.
25 – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTMoney to market BioAg Gateway and BioLink project and taking money from Community Services contracts commensurately. i.e taking $144,000 from Community Services funding.
26 – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – Adding a small business Development Specialist $84,809 by Clear and Compton.
27 – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – Business Development Specialist to help with the Capitol East District and Madison Sustainability Commerce Center project by Clear and Compton, another $84,809.


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