Overture Agreement?

A tentative one . . . more at 5:00.

From: Clear, Mark
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 3:08 PM
Cc: Cieslewicz, Dave; Piraino, Janet; Strauch-Nelson, Rachel; May, Michael; ‘Joe Sensenbrenner’; baldwinohern@gmail.com; jmcculley@afscmecouncil40.org; Kief, Lori; deirdre garton; Chris Gauthier; Carto, Thomas
Subject: Overture workgroup update: We have an agreement!

Dear Colleagues,

I’m very happy to formally announce that the council workgroup and the Overture Parties have reached a tentative agreement on a resolution and term sheet.

The new version (let’s call it Version 5) is substantially similar to Version 4, but contains several important changes that were negotiated over the weekend. These changes will be described in press release which you will receive shortly and in a briefing for all alders to be held at 5:00 this evening (the final meeting of the workgroup) at the central library.

The attorneys are putting the last touches on the details, and we should have the actual resolution within the next hour or so. I will send it out as soon as it exists.

The Overture boards will consider the agreement at a joint meeting tomorrow at 8:00. And as you all know, the council will consider the resolution at our meeting tomorrow evening.

I hope to see you all at 5:00 this evening or tomorrow. Please don’t hesitate to call with questions.

Thanks as always,

Mark C.

Wait a minute! Council workgroup and Overture parties work out a deal, Mayor Dave sends out a press release listing himself first . . . yeah, that’s about right.


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