Overture Parties Approve Deal Unanimously

All three Overture Boards (201 State, Overture Development Corporation and MCAD) unanimously approved the Overture deal, version 5.

Dear Colleagues,

I have just come from a joint meeting of the Overture boards, where all three entities (MCAD, 201 and ODC) voted unanimously to support the Version 5 resolution. They asked me to convey their strong appreciation for the efforts of the workgroup and the full council over the past weeks and months.

Last evening, the council workgroup voted unanimously to recommend adoption of Version 5 to the council (Ald. Rhodes-Conway was not able to stay for the vote, but indicated before she left that she would have been a “yes”).

Version 5 should be in Legistar shortly under file #20248. Your sponsorship is welcome and requested. If you would like to be a sponsor, please contact Lisa or Debbie in the council office.

Thanks as always,

Mark C.

Now . . . let’s see what the council does . . .


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