Overture Update

Today we’ll see the version 4 of the Overture resolution and negotiations with the Overture Parties in open session. 3:45!

Here’s the latest update from Alder Clear, Council President:

From: Clear, Mark
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 11:39 PM
Cc: Cieslewicz, Dave; Piraino, Janet; Strauch-Nelson, Rachel; May, Michael; ‘Joe Sensenbrenner’; baldwinohern@gmail.com; jmcculley@afscmecouncil40.org; Kief, Lori; deirdre garton; Chris Gauthier; Carto, Thomas
Subject: Overture workgroup meeting #3

Dear Colleagues,

This evening (Monday), the council workgroup met for the third time. We spent over four hours continuing our work from Sunday. Tonight’s very productive discussion resulted in enough direction for Attorney May to draft a “Version 4” resolution that reflects the intention of the committee, although there are still some details to be worked out and it may be a little rough around the edges.

The workgroup will meet at 3:45 on Tuesday to review the draft V4 and ensure that it accurately and completely reflects our discussions, to the extent possible given the time constraints. We then plan to present this draft to the Overture Parties at 4:00 and begin negotiations. This part of the meeting will be public, though the workgroup may decide to reconvene into closed session amongst itself as the negotiations continue.

At this point we have no additional meetings scheduled. We will probably make a decision tomorrow regarding whether and how to use the time many of you have set aside on Thursday at 7pm. One thing for sure is that Thursday will not be a resumption of the Common Council meeting which was recessed on December 1.

Thanks again,

Mark C.


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