Parisi endorsed by Planned Parenthood

I’m surprised by the endorsements coming out, since many are waiting til after the primary.

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin Endorse Rep. Joe Parisi for Dane County Executive

MADISON – Former Dane County Clerk and State Representative Joe Parisi (D-Madison) announced today that Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin has endorsed his candidacy for Dane County Executive.

PPAWI educates and advocates on issues relating to a woman’s reproductive rights, working to ensure healthy and safe families and communities in Dane County and across Wisconsin. PPAWI has proven itself a force in past election cycles, with regular communications to more than 250,000 supporters state through social networking, phone calls, and paid mail programs.

From the official endorsement letter:
“Based on your strong record as not only an adamant supporter of women’s health issues but a true leader on the issue we are excited to support you in your race this spring.… demonstrated by your long record in the state legislature, not just voting the pro-choice position but sponsoring critical initiatives and being a strong voice among your colleagues for Planned Parenthood’s services, and the health of women and families in Wisconsin. “

“One of my priorities as Dane County Executive will be to protect the human service programs that keep women and their families informed, healthy, and safe,” said Rep. Parisi. “Planned Parenthood does important work for the families in our community, and I’m proud to have the support of this strong and active organization at such a critical time in the campaign.”

Joe Parisi has been a life-long advocate for women’s rights. As Dane County Clerk Joe worked to protect the privacy of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking who needed to vote without disclosing their addresses publicly. In the state legislature, Joe has been a leading voice in the effort to increase access to and affordability of contraception for women, to secure funding for critical family planning services, and to pass the Compassionate Care for Rape Victims Act, which requires hospitals to dispense emergency contraception to survivors of assault ask for it.

The support of PPAWI is the latest endorsement for Parisi. Recently, Joe received the endorsement of women leaders across Dane County, Democratic Assembly leaders inside and outside of Dane County, leading environmental advocates, Former Dane County Executive Rick Phelps, and the United Transportation Union, the first union endorsement of any candidate in the Dane County Executive’s race.


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