Parisi on TV: The official announcement

I scooped them on their own story by accident . . .

Parisi for County Executive Campaign
Releases First Network Television Ad

MADISON – Former Dane County Clerk and current State Representative Joe Parisi (D-Madison) has released his first network television ad in his campaign for Dane County Executive. The ad, running until Primary Election Day on network television, focuses on Joe’s record of standing up for Dane County and local families for the past 14 years.

The ad can be viewed online here:

“The community support that is building around my campaign and our shared vision for Dane County has been heartening,” said Parisi. “After continuing our conversation with the voters at their doors, in their mailboxes, and on the radio, I’m looking forward to this next step.”

The Parisi campaign has been building broad support since his initial candidacy announcement. Since then, Parisi has earned the support of 2010 Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Mayor Tom Barrett, powerful advocacy organization Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin, local unions such as International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 159, United Brotherhood of Carpenters Local 314, and the United Transportation Union, Former Dane County Executive Rick Phelps, women leaders across Dane County, Democratic Assembly leaders inside and outside of Dane County, and leading environmental advocates.

As Dane County Executive, Parisi will focus on economic development while protecting the environment, clean energy job creation, and protecting vital human and public services that keep our families and our community safe.



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