Parisi’s Appearance – A little Defensive!

This was the first time most people had an opportunity to interact with our County Executive Joe Parisi – here is video of his committee testimony (without my snark) and the beginning (the rockier part) of the 1.5 hour discussion in the hallway, it did get better are this, but he didn’t like the video taping. So, its kinda unfortunate.

Joe Parisi testimony at the Homeless Issues Committee – Part one. He’s a little testy.

Part two – still testy and defensive.

This is what happened in the hallway – at least the beginning.

My friend Andy makes me sad. And it makes me sad that clients no longer have an advocate they trust as the County Ombudsman.

Thanks Jen and Craig for the video!!!


  1. When you use harassing, confrontational tactics is it any wonder why people are getting tired of tolerating your “side?” This is a serious issue. If you want to be treated seriously, come to the table like mature, respectful adults. There is no place for grandstanding, in-your-face videotaping, cornering people in hallways, or the breathless exaggeration and general pompous BS Brenda Konkel uses to frame this whole debacle.

  2. Are you serious? What’s wrong with having a polite conversation with someone in a normal tone of voice – without jamming a camera in their face? Your cute little videotaping tactic is nothing but passive-aggressive BS, and it perpetuates distrust between both sides of an important issue. It’s truly amazing how you people can be so abrasive and rude, yet openly moan about why you aren’t being treated with respect in return. Get a life, Noland.

  3. Stan, no reason to bring out the ad hominems. I wasn’t being personal.

    I was just saying I don’t see anything wrong in what Brenda posted or what I saw in the videos.


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