Paul Soglin’s First Substantive Legislation

From tomorrow’s council agenda.

One for city staff. Restoring the cut of Arthur Ross’s position. Mayor Dave unceremoniously cut his position from the budget and didn’t even tell him.

Amending the 2011 adopted operating budget of the Traffic Engineering Division to delete the position of Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager (CG-RG: 18-xx) and maintain the current position of Pedestrian Bike Coordinator (CG-RG: 18-06) for the remainder of 2011.

One for the budget. Cutting staff and joining groups that assist the city in various capacities. The city will spend $25,000 to join the U.S. Conference of Mayors, National League of Cities, and International City/County Management Association (ICMA)

Transferring $25,000 from Permanent Salaries to Purchased Services (Memberships) in the 2011 Mayor’s Office Adopted Budget.


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