People of Color UP, Women DOWN

It’s still a man’s world baby! Even here in the City of Madison. Here’s something an alder could pick up on and try to help change.

The City of Madison does 2 annual reports on the status of women, people of color/ethnic minorities and people with disabilities. One has to do with top management positions in the city, the other with people on city committees, commissions and boards. People of color seem to be doing better than our goals in several areas. Women, not so much. I know people hate it when I bring this up. But look around next time you are at a city meeting.

Top Management positions are defined as:
• Police (Assistant Chief, Lieutenants, and Captains): CG 12
• Fire (Assistant and Division Chiefs): CG 14
• Management & Professionals: CG 18
• Agency Heads (Managers with Employment Contracts): CG 21
• Attorneys: CG 23
• Metro Management & Professionals: CG 44

In 2010, women held 34.3% of the top management positions in compensation groups 12, 14, 18, 21, 23, & 44. The goal is 46.7%. There was actually a decline in any improvements made.

2006 34.0%
2007 35.2%
2008 35.2%
2009 34.7%
2010 34.3%

In 2010
FIRE – there were no women representation in the assistants and division chief’s positions in the Fire department.
AGENCY HEADS – women held 19.2% of the agency heads positions.
METRO – women held 26.1% in the management and professional positions at Metro.
POLICE – women held 29.4% of the Assistant Chief, Lieutenants, and Captains positions in the Police department.
MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL – women held 37.0% of the management and professional positions.
ATTORNEY – women held 61.5% of the attorney positions.

Salaries of women are at 94.8% compared to men’s salaries in the top management compensation groups.
Men average $ 75,480 and women average $71,530 in these positions.

Racial/ethnic Minorities
In 2010, racial/ethnic group members held 10.0% of the top management positions in compensation groups 12, 14, 18, 21, 23, & 44. The goal is 7.6%. There was also a decline in improvements made here as well.

2006 9.3%
2007 11.1%
2008 10.2%
2009 10.2%
2010 10%

In 2010,
METRO – racial/ethnic group members held 4.3% in the management and professional positions at Metro.
ATTORNEY – racial/ethnic group members held 7.7% of the attorney positions
MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL – racial/ethnic group members held 10.2% of the management and professional positions.
AGENCY HEADS – racial/ethnic group members held 11.5% of the agency head positions.
POLICE – racial/ethnic group members held 17.6% of the Assistant Chief, Lieutenants, and Captains. positions in the Police department.
FIRE – racial/ethnic group members held 22.2% in the assistants and division chief’s positions in the Fire department.

Salaries of minority are at 96.3% compared to non-minority salaries in the top management compensation groups.

Non-minorities average $75,140 in these positions and minorities average $72,374.

People with Disabilities
There was less information available here, but the goal is 8.2% and there is 8.9% representation.

The full report is here if you’d like to see it. The conclusions are that they will keep working on it and the salary gap isn’t a big deal. I don’t know about you, but $3,00 or $4,000 a year is a big deal to me!


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