Plan Commission FAIL!

Stunning. Did they even read their packet?

Since yesterday’s post, I’ve been thinking more about how much this public market square/Marcus Hotel/ULI Sweetheart deal and how much it stinks. I thought of a whole bunch more questions I should have thought of immediately. So I expected a substantial discussion. Instead, we got this.

Nan Fey: So, the next item is Legistar #21105, this is authorizing a joint master planning process with Marcus/ULI Joint Venture for a convention center hotel and other uses on block 88, including possible use of the Madison Municipal building, providing up to $200,000 to assist in the preparation of the block 88 joint master plan, authorizing a release of a request for proposals for master planning for block 105 and a 12 block area of downtown Madison in conformance with the city’s approved TIGER grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign all documents necessary to start the planning processes. And we will hear from . . . voice off camera says something about them not wanting to speak . .. Fey says “oh, ok” we actually don’t have anyone registered wishing to speak, but we have available to answer questions George Austin (address) on behalf of the city’s task force, Chris Schramm (address) in support and available to answer questions, David Merritt (address) from Marcus Hotel’s and Resorts, also in support and available to answer questions . .. more talking off camera . . . and Mr. Olinger. Who is here for questions and comments. Um . . . are there any questions from commissioners on any of the terms of item 3.


Judy Olson moves approval, Eric Sundquist seconds.

Nay Fey: Any discussion?


Nan Fey: Seeing none, all those in favor say aye (ayes) and no (silence) ok, item 3 is approved.

1. Why are we paying for Marcus Hotel and ULI’s planning process.

2. And why $200K? We don’t spend that much on planning entire neighborhoods. In fact, we don’t even spend 1/5th of that to help plan entire neighborhoods.

3. Does the master planning for this area include any areas that will be subject to the later RFP?

4. Why a hotel on the municipal parking lot, what other things were considered? (Yes, Marcus has first right of refusal, but only if there is a “hospitality” use there. The Marcus people believe this is the best place, what does the public and Council believe? Where is that discussion? How many hotels do we need? (Edgewater, 9 story hotel on campus, more hotels along south beltline, etc)

5. Huh? If this first planning process is $200K, how much will the second planning process cost? And what is George Austin getting paid $25K for in all of this?

WHEREAS, in conjunction with the Block 88 planning, the City wishes to engage a Master Planning Team to prepare a detailed Master Plan for a portion of Block 105 (Government East Parking Ramp) that includes planning for underground parking, the Madison Public Market, a Bicycle Center, and air rights development that including replacement office space for the Madison Municipal Building, and additional commercial and/or residential air rights development including potential for additional commercial space, and replacement City office space presently in the Madison Municipal Building; and

WHEREAS, the City portion of the Block 88 Master Planning will be no more than $200,000; and

6. Where is the RFP referred to here:

authorizes the release of a Request for Proposals for Master Planning for Block 105;

7. Who are the registered lobbyists for “Marcus/ULI Block 88 Joint Venture”? Chris Schramm for ULI finally registered on February 3 and refers to this resolution which was already introduced. While he also registered in 2010 for lobbying on matters related to this block, he has not filed his expense statement for it. Unless it is this. But there is no information provided about the lobbying since they say they spend less than $1000. And then I would ask, how do we know that? If it takes $200,000 to plan this area, clearly, they have spent more than $1,000 on this, right? Also, David Merritt is registered on behalf of Marcus, but he doesn’t appear to be authorized to speak on behalf of the Joint Venture either. Shouldn’t the Joint Venture register?

And, see yesterday’s questions:
1. Who is the staff team?

2. Do we still need to hire George Austin to do this? Why can’t staff do it? Many of the so-called reasons for the initial sole source contract are gone. We need to revisit why George Austin was hired at all.

3. Why did the Mayor announce what he wanted and the staff are coming up with a plan, where is the public in all of this?

4. With no high speed rail, why is this moving forward without acknowledgement of that kind of key fact. How does that change things?

5. What does this mean?

The City Staff Team is committing to deliver the Public Market Square Project in a different way. These commitments are different from conventional practices in the following ways:
• This venture is relational, not transactional. There is a focus on shared responsibility among the members of the staff team with all benefiting from success.
• Each staff team member promises to furnish his/her best skill and judgment and to collaborate and cooperate to further the interests of the Project.
• All seek to optimize the Project as a whole rather than any particular piece.

6. George Austin was hired last September to write an RFP, so months later, why is the conclusion they should write an RFP?

7. Again, this might be a cool idea, but when does the public get involved and why is this all being done behind the scenes? Where is the discussion about the big concept?

I continue to be disappointed in this plan commission missing some of the obvious and failing to ask questions when they are so clearly merited. This is a huge planning effort and they asked not a single question.

Is this another city done deal? More on this sham of a process here.


  1. “1. Why are we paying for Marcus Hotel and ULI’s planning process.”

    This is another one of those public/private partnerships, so the private side will claim things can’t be done without the public kicking in more cash. It’s a bogus claim but it works, and they know it. Recent example: Hammes Co/Edgewater.


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