Porchlight Homeless Day Center Issues

I’m not really sure the drop in center was the right thing to do, but given the time constraints I didn’t have a better answer, but here’s my issues with the project.

I sent this email to the alders, mayor (and his staff) and CDBG staff yesterday.  I didn’t get any responses from any of them and I don’t know why.  I also sent it to various listserves and got lots of feedback from community members, all positive.  I told them that I knew it wouldn’t be popular and many thanked me for speaking up, which isn’t an issue for me, the harder part was keeping my mouth shut and not jeopardizing the opportunity.

This is really bothering me.  I am concerned about three things.

1.  Porchlight already gets money from the city to provide a day shelter to the city, its called the Hospitality House.

$49,794 – http://www.cityofmadison.com/cdbg/current/activity/jm001.htm

Of course its located way out on Martin St. and they give people a ride there, but not back downtown.  I think it was intentionally set up that way to keep people out of downtown, but I don’t know.  I do know the services don’t make sense and that is why people won’t go there.

From their website http://www.porchlightinc.org/day_center.html

Porchlight Programs

Daytime Resource Center

Hospitality House is a daytime resource center for homeless and low-income people in Dane County. Services include employment and housing counseling, assistance in obtaining employment (e.g. identifications and work clothes), telephone and mail services, and medical and legal assistance. Hospitality House is also the site for the DIGS program. Hospitality House serves over 7,000 men, women and children a year.

Hospitality House is located at 1490 Martin Street and is open 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday from April through October; and 8:30am to 4:30pm, seven days a week from November through March. A shuttle bus runs every morning to Hospitality House from the Salvation Army and the Drop-In Shelter, leaving Salvation Army at 8:00am.

I think a better long term strategy is to find another downtown location to provide these services, they should have never been located there in the first place.

2.  And, I can’t help but ask, how to they just have extra money laying around to be able to staff a brand new program (but not to wash the sheets more often at the shelter, etc.)?

3.  And, did you look at the rules that they have for the place, with no chance to appeal if you get kicked out – the staff has the final and only word.

Guests who come to DRC incapacitated by drugs or alcohol may be asked to leave the premises.  Staff assessment of incapacitation is final.

Guests must refrain from inappropriate behavior (horseplay, sexual contact, profanity, verbal abuse, etc.).  Staff assessment of inappropriate behavior, based on broad community standards, is final.

There have been repeated attempts to get a third party appeal process for the shelters, I believe it is unconscionable not to have that in place since you can’t just go to another homeless shelter.

I really wanted to raise these issues earlier, and probably should have, but I couldn’t publicly oppose these much needed service.  However, I think a better long term strategy is needed and that services provided to the homeless have to be done in a more nurturing and learning environment as opposed to being punitive.  In this case, that punishment could very well mean death in our Wisconsin winters.  We can do better.

I’d bring these issues up directly with Porchlight, but they fall on deaf ears and are met with excuses instead of problem solving. Plus, the last time someone else brought up the issue of a third party appeal system for the homeless shelter I was the one that got yelled at all the way to my car after the meeting. Not sure why it was my fault. It’s also hard to address it through the housing committee since they never have quorum and Porchlight staff are on the committee.


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