A bit of random, updates, upcoming meetings, etc., $10 Overture tickets for a year, Union Corners meeting on housing, Placemaking at the Public Market, DNR survey, clean lakes survey.
$10 Overture Tickets
As a community leader, I would like to invite you to learn about a bold, new project at Overture Center for the Arts.
Our goal is to make Overture more accessible to more members of our community. To achieve that goal, and to celebrate our 10th Anniversary, we will be offering $10 tickets to more than 50 shows throughout the year.
To join and support Club10, please consider the following:
1) Share the link below with anyone you know who would benefit from access
to world-class performances for just $10. Please share with your staff, members, friends, family, peers, etc.
2) Join yourself by clicking on the link and signing up.
How Does Club10 Work? Click the link below and provide your name and email address. About once a month we¹ll send you an email listing upcoming shows with $10 tickets available, and a link to buy those tickets online. This is not a replacement for our “Voucher Program.”
There is no fee to join and no obligation to ever purchase anything. We will never sell or share an email address, ever. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Please reach back if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions.
My Best Wayne Glowac
Wayne Glowac
Vice President Sales & Marketing
Overture Center for the Arts
Union Corners Meeting – 90 units of housing>/b>
Someone ask how affordable the units will be! (Hint: Not really.)
Dear Neighbor,
Please join us for a neighborhood meeting where we will discuss the next phase of the Union Corners development, Gorman & Co.’s proposal to start the land use entitlements process for a Specific Implementation Plan (SIP) to allow Gorman to apply for tax credits early next year.
Monday, October 27, 2014
7:00 p.m.
Salvation Army Annex
3030 Darbo DriveGorman proposes to build the two 45-unit mixed-use buildings on Winnebago Street (Buildings 4 and 5 in the approved GDP) using WHEDA tax credit funds if awarded. Seventy-six of 90 units would be affordable at 60% AMI. There would be ground floor retail, to be determined, and underground parking.
We look forward to seeing you on the 27th.
Marsha Rummel
Alderperson, Sixth District
772-4555Larry Palm
Alderperson, Twelfth District
Placemaking with the Public Market
Public Market Planning Workshop
The City of Madison is making progress on the Madison Public Market District project. After over a year of research, public engagement, and analysis, the City’s Local Food Committee, Economic Development Committee, and Common Council have endorsed a recommendation to finalize the business plan and to focus on an area along East Washington Avenue near the Yahara River as the preferred location for the project.
The next step will be an interactive “Placemaking Workshop” to brainstorm ideas for uses and activities to include as part of the District. The Workshop will take place on Tuesday, October 28 from 4:30pm to 7:00pm in the Tenney Park Pavilion (1414 E. Johnson Street). The session will start with a brief presentation in the Pavilion and then small groups will head outside to walk the site and identify opportunities and uses.
Dress for the weather. All are welcome to attend but please register online at the project’s website so we can keep an approximate headcount: www.cityofmadison.com/publicmarket.
DNR Survey
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources would like your ideas about the conservation and management of Wisconsin’s fish and wildlife resources now and into the future.
We are currently updating two important conservation plans – the Wildlife Action Plan and the Fish, Wildlife, and Habitat Management Plan. Updates will act as a blueprint as the department continues to manage and protect fish and wildlife resources over the next ten years.
These plans must be completed in order to receive important federal funds that directly support healthy, sustainable fish and wildlife populations and their habitats, and provide outdoor recreation opportunities in the state.
But, we need your help! Please take this 5-10 minute survey – it will be open for participation until midnight on Friday, Nov. 14th. Please note that your privacy is important to us and your individual responses will remain strictly confidential.
To take the survey, follow the link above or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser: http://22.
selectsurvey.net/ DNR/TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID= 88KK8pm2 .For more information, visit dnr.wi.gov and search keyword “wap10year.”
Clean Lakes Alliance Survey
Friends, The Clean Lakes Alliance is conducting a survey of area residents on yard care and its impact on area waterways. If you have a few minutes please consider taking the survey. You will find the survey at http://www.cleanlakesalliance.
com/homeowner-survey/ Thanks for your help. George Dreckmann