Principle over Party

In the District 77 State Assembly race, former coal lobbyist Brett Hulsey has one – and only one – advantage over his Green Party opponent: The “D” in front of his name and all of the institutional support that goes along with it.  For this reason alone, he is, was and will be the favorite.

And yet, in every other respect, Ben Manski is doing a tremendous job in overcoming this domineering disadvantage.  (He would be the first “third-party” member of the WI legislature since 1944).  He is an unabashed and flawlessly principled progressive, a fact which has energized large swaths of the community in his support.

Without a tremendous amount of work and voter education, Manski would likely lose this race by several fold.  Almost every single vote he garners will truly be an earned vote, one which will force voters to truly consider why voting for a non-Dem in this race best represents their values; there is no significant, reflexive Green vote of which we can speak.

In this context, Manski will only be successful if his is truly run as a grassroots campaign.  From my perspective, he is doing an excellent job thus far.  His volunteer base outnumbers Hulsey’s at least 10 to 1.  He has been able to rely on the hardworking progressive activists of this beautiful district to spread the word about his progressive message.  He has attracted individuals from a variety of political parties and backgrounds who simply cannot bear to fathom the thought of a Brett Hulsey inheriting Spencer Black’s seat.

I’ve been to and talked with a number of people who have attended the large, local political gatherings as of late (ie the labor/education rally on Saturday), and Manski always has a large contingent of supporters in blue.  Hulsey, meanwhile, invariably shows up by himself, passing out flyers with a few inspiring words of his own attached: “Brett Hulsey, Democratic candidate for Assembly.”

On campus, which is more of my milieu, Hulsey has almost no presence of which to speak.  I was at the College Dems meeting at which he spoke and there was no energy or organization for his candidacy which came out of the meeting.  In my estimation, he has basically written off the student vote.  On the other hand, Student Progressive Dane has been doing an intensive outreach effort as an extension of the Manski campaign.

Frankly, I’m beginning to think that the only active supporters of Hulsey are those few folks who comment on this blog.  Their readership and comments are, of course, sincerely appreciated.

Manski has also been picking up endorsements from a variety of high-profile Democrats and affiliated organizations as of late, an occurrence almost unheard of for a Green Party candidate.  Big names like Ed Garvey, Peg Lautenschlager and Fred Wade, among countless others, have all endorsed the progressive in this race.  Just today, the Teaching Assistants’ Association also threw their lot in with Manski.

Why is Manski gaining so much traction among the local progressive community?  The answer is simple.  He is, by far and away, the better candidate.  Ben has been a lifelong champion of all the right causes.  Hulsey has worked as a coal lobbyist and been so spineless on the County Board that he couldn’t even bring himself to support gay rights until it was brought to the floor.

But why has Manski also been so successful in picking up so many big name endorsements that are usually automatic for the Democratic candidate?  I think it’s because Ben has proven, largely due to the strength of his campaign operation, that he can win.  As his chances increase by the day, more and more people realize they have an actual choice in this race and don’t have to vote for the lesser evil.

Like so many other residents of D77, I am a dues-paying Democrat who almost always votes for the party’s candidates.  In this instance, however, the Democrat in the race does not hold the progressive values I hold dear.  I choose to vote my principles in this election, which are ultimately so much more important than party affiliation.  I hope that most voters in the district agree.


  1. Haha, well perhaps. It’s just I think there is such a clear distinction in this very important race. I also think Ben is a candidate of such rare principle – I’d hate to see him lose to a coal lobbyist!

  2. How do you know that “His volunteer base outnumbers Hulsey’s at least 10 to 1?” Do you know how many volunteers are working on Hulsey’s campaign? Of course not, so you and Ben create “facts” out of thin air. That’s not principled.

    Ed Blume
    Hulsey campaign volunteer

  3. Kyle, you didn’t answer this question when I posed it on one of your other posts.

    How do we tell who’s a progressive? Only people who endorse Ben? Is Barrett progessive? Ben says he’s gonna’ vote for Barrett, calling him “the lesser evil.”

    If Ben votes for a non-progessive candidate, isn’t Ben compromising his principles?

    Ed Blume
    Hulsey campaign volunteer

  4. Hi Ed, I can answer the question about Ben’s volunteer base, because I’m his volunteer coordinator.

    Here’s what we’ve built over the past two months: A volunteer army (of the peaceful sort) that can reach more than 10,000 doors in the district in less than 10 days. We’ve already lit-dropped every door in the district twice, and we’ll do it again before the election. (I’m not divulging any secrets here; we’re proud of the grassroots response that Ben’s campaign has inspired.)

    Now it’s your turn, Ed, to talk about Brett Hulsey’s volunteer base. Other than the U.S. Postal Service, which seems to be how he’s reaching the voters, I haven’t seen it.

    But maybe I’m not looking in the right places? Please enlighten me.

  5. You didn’t answer my question.

    YOU made the comparison of 10 Manski volunteers for every one of Hulsey’s, so you must already know the numbers.

    But ya’ know, I think you just made up the 10 to one comparison on the mistaken assumption that belittling Brett and falsely pumping up Ben wins votes for Ben.

    For full disclosure, you’re Ben’s campaign coordinator, right.

    Ed Blume
    Hulsey campaign volunteer

  6. Ed, brother, I’m not really sure what you’re reading.

    First, we already know that you are a Hulsey campaign volunteer. On some of your posts you even state it twice. No need to state it again. Presumably, you are his chief blog commenter.

    Second, why aren’t you out doing lit drops for Brett? We know he’s got a lot of big cash with that recent fundraiser the Mayor threw for him, but presumably he needs some volunteer support.

    This is especially true since I have yet to see a flesh and blood Hulsey volunteer. It’s mostly just been you and a few friends commenting on various blogs. The ten-to-one estimate is certainly ballpark but I’m sure it’s accurate enough. I’ve talked with people who have been to Hulsey events and been at other events where he has made an appearance. In my estimation, he doesn’t really have a volunteer base. He’s probably just hoping – like you – that the Dem label will be enough to get him through.

    Third, Steve already stated that he was the Manksi volunteer coordinator. It’s already been “disclosed.” Like he said, the campaign is quite proud of its robust grassroots nature.


  7. So you don’t have any numbers to back up the 10 to one assertion. You just pulled it from the air. How many other “facts” and “figures” have you and Ben made up?

    Ed Blume
    Hulsey campaign volunteer

  8. If you don’t have numbers, how about answering the other questions I asked?

    Here they are:

    How do we tell who’s a progressive? Only people who endorse Ben? Is Barrett progessive? Ben says he’s gonna’ vote for Barrett, calling him “the lesser evil.”

    If Ben votes for a non-progessive candidate, isn’t Ben compromising his principles?

    Ed Blume
    Hulsey campaign volunteer

  9. Just to be clear for those who don’t know what Brenda is referencing, Manski is NOT out-fundraising Hulsey 5 to 1. This is something Brett’s been making up as of late to, once again, appear as the underdog. His campaign has also been telling people that Ben supported Al Sharpton in 2004 and claiming endorsements he never received. Classy.

  10. Brenda,
    The five to one issue is another fabricaton from Ben and you folks, just like the 10 to one comparison.

    It’s not even remotely credible, since neither candidate knows the current finances of the other. The last finance reports were filed some time ago!

    Prove your assertions about Sharpton and endorsements. Give me URLs or something to substantiate your untruths.

    Check how Ben got caught in one of these lies —

    I’m still waiting for answers to these questions:

    How do we tell who’s a progressive? Only people who endorse Ben? Is Barrett progessive? Ben says he’s gonna’ vote for Barrett, calling him “the lesser evil.”

    If Ben votes for a non-progessive candidate, isn’t Ben compromising his principles?

    Ed Blume
    Hulsey campaign vounteer

  11. How about this for bizarre. Ben is now referring to himself as Representative Manski.

    In his latest email appeal, he said, “As your representative . . .”

    He asks people to contact hjm by email. What’s the email address?

    This is bordering on delusional.

    Ed Blume
    Hulsey campaign volunteer

  12. Ed,

    How is it delusional for a candidate to say “As your representative…” What follows that quote? Does he say “As your representative I will do X, X, and X…”

    And why is it delusional for Ben to have a gmail address that says “Rep.Manski”? I think your grasping at straws on this issue.

    Also, don’t you think suggesting a candidate has a psychotic mental disorder is a little bit out of line? Are you a psychiatrist?

    Jesse Russell
    District 77 Constituent

  13. A more appropriate phrasing would be, “If I’m elected as your state representative . . . .”

    That phrase isn’t as weird as setting up an email account with Rep.Manski to mimic the email accounts used by incumbent state representatives.

    Okay, maybe its not dilusional. It’s presumptuous.

    On the other hand, maybe it is delusional. I see a lot of that going on. Like Ben saying he’s a “native” of the 77th. Maybe that’s no delusional, just lying.

    Ed Blume
    Hulsey campaign volunteer

  14. Brett Hulsey claimed last night that Tammy Baldwin has endorsed him in this race. But I’ve heard a number of conflicting reports and have been trying to get confirmation from Baldwin’s office. Hulsey has in recent weeks claimed endorsements that he has not received and if he is using Baldwin’s endorsement falsely I think that says a lot about his capability to be an honest representative in the assembly.

  15. “Sam,
    Your email to to the Congressional office regarding the 77th Assembly District race was directed to me. Thanks for asking – Congresswoman Baldwin has not endorsed in the 77th Assembly District race. These are both progressive candidates. Thanks, too, for your good wishes for our campaign.

    Matt Wachter
    Tammy Baldwin for Congress
    Campaign Manager”

    Somebody’s got some explaining to do….


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