I worked hard on this email today . . . so I’m cross posting . . . among the other things I do, I’m co-chair of Progressive Dane, chair of the elections committee and active on the . . . policy committee!!!! Did I mention policy committee?
A sincere thank you to YOU – it was a lively discussion, but the results are in! And now that we’ve had that discussion and made our decision, our job is not done! In Progressive Dane we don’t just endorse candidates, but we show up and support them! Not just during the election, but when they are elected we continue working with them on policies supported by our platform. That, and our local focus, is what makes Progressive Dane unique. And our elected officials successful. It is all thanks to YOU.
YOU are Progressive Dane, Progressive Dane is YOU!
Without further ado . . . here’s YOUR endorsement decisions and how YOU can help our candidates!
Madison School Board – Seat 1 – Anna Moffit
Anna is running for her second term on the school board. Anna is the Vice President of the Board and has worked hard to get the public into the discussion about police in the schools, working on rights for students with disabilities and mental wellness challenges, working to reduce expulsions and emphasizing restorative justice, early childhood education and trauma-informed practices. And YOU can help by . . . liking her on facebook, following her on twitter, liking and re-posting facebook posts, retweeting, coming to her campaign kick-off on Sunday from 3 – 5 at Cargo Coffee East (share that event!), donating, volunteering/yard sign/endorsing her campaign and watching for further emails about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.
Dane County Board – District 2 – Heidi Wegleitner
Heidi is running unopposed for her third term on the County Board. As an elected official, she works hard on many issues and needs your support. Heidi has been a leader and tireless advocate on affordable housing and homeless issues and led the efforts to derail the jail. She has also worked on many women’s rights, climate change and poverty issues. Watch for email updates about action items that YOU can do to support her work. Like her on facebook, check out her website, email those elected officials and show up to local government committees when asked. Consider joining the policy committee!!! Heidi is on our steering committee and chair of the policy committee. You can contact her at heidimayree@gmail.com to join the policy committee!! (Psst, did I mention you could join the policy committee! Our elected officials need our support.)
Dane County Board – District 4 – Richard Kilmer
Richard is also running unopposed for his second term on the County Board. Richard is particularly interested in working on mental health and addiction issues. He helped us put together the forum on opiods and was one of 4 people who voted against the jail. Watch for email updates about action items that YOU can do to support his work. Like him on facebook and sign up for email updates from him on his website.
Dane County Board – District 6 – Yogesh Chawla
Long time active member of Yogesh Chawla – former co-chair, steering committee member, outreach and membership coordinator, emcee and Progressive Dane D.J. – you know him and love him and now he needs our help! It’s a tough 4-way primary against candidates that have raised quite a bit of money, however, we know that feet on the ground and strong policy stands can beat money. We’ve done it before and we can do it again. And YOU can help by . . . liking him on facebook, following him on twitter, liking and re-posting facebook posts, retweeting, donating, volunteering/endorsing and watching for further emails about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.
And, if YOU see John Hendrick, thank him for his many years of service and strong dedication to building Progressive Dane as a policy-driven local third party
Dane County Board – District 11 – Al Matano
He has served 18 years on the county board. Worked on animal rights, transportation and land use issues, voted against the jail and against removing homeless persons from in front of the City-County Building because they had no other place to go. He is also in a tough 3 way primary. Like him on facebook, watch for details on how to donate and volunteer.
Dane County Board – District 24 – Tanya Buckingham
Tanya is a relative new comer running for the seat formerly held by Robin Schmidt in the Monona area. YOU can help by liking her on facebook, liking and re-posting facebook posts, donating, volunteering/endorsing and watching for further emails about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.
As you can see, there is much work to be done, and Progressive Dane will be successful this spring because of YOU. Help where you can, big or small, on-line or in person, with your wallet or with your feet, it all matters. Together we can elect these great people who will help advance the policies that we all believe in and make Dane County a better place for everyone – Housing for All – Equal and Just Communities – An End to Corporate Welfare – Family Supporting Jobs for Dane County – Strong Schools.