I attended this meeting yesterday which was nearly cancelled, the person who was quorum walking in at exactly 5:15 . . . seconds later and they would have had to cancel. Listen to Skidmore grumble that it was an illegal meeting – I think he really wanted the meeting to be cancelled.
At this meeting they talk with council members about their role. The PSRC seems to think they have no power to make recommendations. They also feel like they can’t talk to each other or be at the same meetings. This seems to be very strictly interpreted. The council members helped them think about these issues, but they need some education if they think that 3 people on a 10 person committee can’t talk with each other and that they can’t propose agenda items. Sigh.
They also talked about their upcoming community presentation on the opioid epidemic.
They talked about their priorities for upcoming meetings – sadly it seems like all presentations from people, but no real policy work.
And last, they referred the moratorium on downtown liquor licenses because its a new issue and more work is being done that they will want to consider.
They also got reports from the Fire Department (I didn’t get that handout, they didn’t have copies, but it was emailed to the members, its not in legistar) and police department (same as was given to the common council for the quarterly report from the chief.)
I also attended the Police and Fire Commission on Monday to see their discussion on the OIR report. I showed up with my camera and even tho the chief was sitting there waiting for this discussion, they decided to postpone it. I’m wondering if it had anything to do with the camera?