Rally Against Overture Privatization

Tonight! 5:30!

This is a slight re-write of an action alert on how you can help. I can hardly wait to see which alders vote for privatization and invite union candidates to run against them next spring!

On Tuesday Nov. 30, 5:30pm at the City County Bldg (210 Martin Luther King Blvd) union members and community activists will gather for a Rally and Speak-out against the privatization of the Overture Center. If the proposed privatization passes, 23 union jobs will be lost, and the despite the lack of oversight and the harm it will cause Madison workers, the city would continue to subsidize the private owners $2 Million per year.

However, there is an alternative on the table! Alders Schmidt and Bidar-Seilaff have submitted an alternate proposal entitled, “A Public Authority Model” which would turn administrative control of the Overture over to the Madison Cultural Arts District or MCAD. This would save the union jobs and give community oversight of budgeting and programming for what should definitely be a community-run center of the arts.

AFSCME Local 60 has endorsed this alternative, the Proposal, “A Public Authority Model” sponsored by Alders Schmidt and Bidar-Sielaff, is the best alternative that we have seen come from the City Council. Now the Union needs your help.

If you want to help:

1. Call call your Alder. Find your alder here if you don’t know.
Jed Sandborn (District 1) – 576-5509
Bridget Maniaci (District 2)- 516-3488
Lauren Cnare (District 3)- 226-0987
Michael Verveer (District 4)-255-6498
Shiva Bidar-Sielaff (District 5)- 220-6986
Marsha Rummel (District 6) – 772-4555
Steve King (District 7)- 235-9868
Bryon Eagon (District 8)-335-5091
Paul Skidmore (District 9)- 829-3425
Brian Solomon (District 10)- 294-9289
Chris Schmidt (District 11)- 238-7494
Satya Rhodes-Conway (District 12)- 242-4426
Julia Kerr (District 13)- 260-2661
Timothy Bruer (District 14)-298-0060
Larry Palm (District 15)-692-8416
Judy Compton(District 16)-221-2567
Joe Clausius (District 17)-244-5066
Michael Schumacher (District 18)-242-1779
Mark Clear (District 19)-695-5709
Thuy Pham-Remmele (District 20)- 957-4433

or email, allalders@cityofmadison.com.

2. There will be a peaceful rally prior to the City Council meeting on Tuesday. We will gather on the steps of the City County Building at 5:30 pm. Please bring a friend/co-worker or two.

3. We also need these folks to stay for the City Council meeting. It is important that the Alders see us there. Please encourage your co-workers/friends/family to attend.

4. We need folks to speak at the City Council Meeting. You would only need to say your name, your District number and express your support of this Alternative. We need folks to speak and/or register in support of this Alternative.



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