Recommendations for Voting Tomorrow

Here’s my recommendations and why!

District 1
Barbara McKinney v Matt Brink
I’m going with Barbara McKinney. I like Matt, but when choosing between a developer/bar owner and a woman who had dedicated herself to bettering her community and working with communities like people re-entering the community from prisons . . . well, its a no brainer! McKinney’s politics line up with mine far more. She may be a little more contemplative on issues, which isn’t always a bad thing, but I think she will vote the way I would like 95% of the time. Matt, not so much.

District 13
Zach Madden v. Sara Eskrich
I’ve know Zach for years, volunteering in the community on various issues, including as a Housing Counselor at the Tenant Resource Center. Sara is just met. They’re both democrats, Zach is a PD member as well and has been, not just while running for office! 🙂 Sara, on the other hand, has been on the Public Safety Review Committee that should have been our community oversight board on policies in the police department and we haven’t heard a peep from them. I’m afraid that is how she would be an an alder, going along to get along. I think Zach is more likely to push and ask the tough questions.

District 14
John Strasser v Sheri Carter
Well, not John. I don’t know Sheri, but I think we need to try again. Between his comments on homelessness as a protected class and his development strategy and comments about what kind of development is appropriate (not soup kitchens and housing for the homeless) I’m just having a hard time not saying “anyone but Strasser”. I don’t know Sheri Carter, I’ve heard her name for years, but never met her, but I’ll give her a shot! I don’t think it can get worse!

District 16
Denise DeMarb v Tiffany Tobias
I’m going with Denise DeMarb. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by her and think she works hard and smart. I also believe she genuinely cares about her constituents and their well-being. I don’t always agree with her, but find myself surprised I agree with her more than I think I will.

District 17
Joe Clausius vs. Samba Baldeh
Samba! I like Clausius, he’s a nice buy, but we aren’t on the same page when it comes to voting. But more importantly, Samba is awesome! I hadn’t met him before the election, but I’m glad I did. He impressed me from the start. Probably because he is running not for himself, but for the issues he cares about and that gets my attention. I have no idea what will happen in the race, but if he doesn’t win, its a real loss for District 17.

District 18
Rebecca Kemble v Peng Her
Again, know and like both of them but I gotta go with Rebecca! I think Rebecca is the one that will roll up her sleeves, work hard and be effective for district 18 and the city as a whole. I also think she is most likely to vote the way I would want. Peng is close, but Rebecca is better!

Paul Soglin v Scott Resnick
No surprises here, I’m going with Soglin. After watching or attending nearly every forum, is crystal clear to me, despite what I want, that Soglin is the person to vote for. I kept waiting for Scott Resnick to give me a reason to vote for him, but at the end of the day, Soglin has a firmer grasp on what is going on, the experience we need and despite doing a stupid thing from time to time, sometimes on issues I care very much about, he’s still the better person for the job at this time. Resnick just never got past the buzzwords and platitudes to prove he could do best on the issues. Soglin it is.

I guess I should also say congratulations to Amanda Hall in District 3 and Zach Wood in District 8, our latest walk-ons.


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