Updates of updates and more updates, city and county.
For Alder Blogs:
Public Health:
Confirmed Cases
Total Tests
Cases Ever Hospitalized
Information for Alders:
No update at this time.
In the news today:
- Virtual summer school begins in MMSD: https://bit.ly/3hYyccK
- ‘Save State Street’: Businesses plead to city for changes: https://bit.ly/2NkS6k1
- Madison schools to take ‘hybrid’ approach to reopening in fall: https://bit.ly/2V7Zcwf
- WI offers new site for Wisconsinites’ health insurance options: https://bit.ly/2V8EAEs
- What to do with murals painted on boarded up State Street businesses?: https://bit.ly/3erU3aj
- Madison housing prices increase for 7th year in a row: https://bit.ly/3hWcFkE
- 2 UW athletes test positive for COVID: https://bit.ly/2AT6VaX
- Memorial Union Terrace phased reopening begins: https://bit.ly/3ett2mO
- UW Health offers safety tips for getting out, enjoying summer safely: https://bit.ly/31alfq0
- Health experts: how students’ return to school could impact COVID fight: https://bit.ly/2CrySqu
- Cost of cheese reaches record levels: https://bit.ly/2VaNm4x
- 3 weeks after large protests start, no initial spike in Dane Co. cases: https://bit.ly/3esRvbD
- Ticket holders to Pence rally required to waive coronavirus liability: https://bit.ly/2YoUNHA
For Alder Blogs:
Public Health:
Confirmed Cases
Total Tests
Cases Ever Hospitalized
According to Madison365, Dane County has confirmed 40 more coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours, the largest one-day jump since the pandemic began. That makes an increase of 70 cases over the past two days and 173 over the past week.
Of the 40, 10 are Latino.
Further, a trend of younger people testing positive has continued. Of the 40 new cases today, three are under the age of 10, 6 are aged 10-19, 14 are in their 20s and eight are in their 30s.
Data Notes for the Week of June 22
We just released our latest Data Snapshot and posted a blog post that includes:
- Large Number of Cases from This Weekend
- Percent Positivity Now Included on Dashboard
- Data Snapshot Highlights
Information for Alders:
Alliant Energy Center Community Testing Site Update
- Friday (6/19) 872 people were tested and Saturday (6/20) 928 people were tested.
- The total number of people who have been tested at the community test site is 23238.
- The Alliant Energy Center community test site has been extended and will be open until at least August 7. Please help us publicize this change!
In the news today:
- State education agency tells districts to ‘plan for change throughout’ 2020-21 in new guidance: https://bit.ly/2AYKG3g
- WI Schools should expect coronavirus threat for next 18 months, according to state officials: https://bit.ly/3dqeV0e
- Technical colleges, which had the most trouble moving online, begin reopening: https://bit.ly/2YpfQKc
- With universities underfunded, feds should step in, report says: https://bit.ly/2YpfQKc
- Health risks rise as water sits in pipes of unused university buildings: https://bit.ly/2BxQzUN
- Tribal governments ‘crippled’ by lost gambling revenue during COVID pandemic: https://bit.ly/3epL4Gh
- Pandemic pause: a quiet summer not the norm for amusement ride operators: https://bit.ly/2Z1a4NA
- WI education agency suggests small classes, face masks, shifted schedules for reopening: https://bit.ly/37XTG4H
- Couple weds at assisted living facility after COVID postponed original ceremony: https://bit.ly/2YpfFP2
- Existing home sales drop more than 25 percent compared to a year ago: https://bit.ly/2YlZ1Qb
For Alder Blogs:
Public Health:
Confirmed Cases
Total Tests
Cases Ever Hospitalized
We’re always concerned about safety at the beach, which is why we monitor conditions and test water at area beaches all summer long. While research shows that there’s an extremely low risk of getting COVID-19 from recreating in the water, people should do more than check the water quality when they plan on going to the beach.
Our news release explains how we monitor conditions, what we test for, how to check on water quality before heading out the door, and COVID-19 risk reduction guidance when folks plan on going to the beach.
Information for Alders:
No updates at this time
In the news today:
- 36 nursing homes in WI report COVID deaths, new federal data says: https://bit.ly/2Nih9nv
- WI unemployment rate dropped to 12% last month, remains lower than national rate: https://bit.ly/2BhHgs9
- Positive percentage of new tests reaches 4% for first time in weeks: https://bit.ly/3fGfoNq
- City leaders propose plan to support downtown businesses impacted by pandemic, property damage: https://bit.ly/3hInlmX
- Dane County Jail adds decontamination system to protect against COVID: https://bit.ly/3fzYQ9u
- Madison Public Library restarts public computer services next week: https://bit.ly/3dmNXXq
- Free testing available for Dane Co. first responders: https://bit.ly/310LHlU
- Virtual Juneteeth celebration focuses on how COVID-19 impacts the Black community: https://bit.ly/2YOX6mj
- Metro Transit bus capacity expands Friday: https://bit.ly/30YwOjW
- Merrimac Ferry opens Friday for remainder of 2020 season: https://bit.ly/2YgXxqi
- Madison Heart Ball goes virtual for 2020: https://bit.ly/2UZy3fg
- Paramedics train through pandemic to join Madison Fire Department: https://bit.ly/3egkKOR
- Terrace reopening another step forward for downtown Madison: https://bit.ly/2BjfY4P
- Local experts weigh in on black communities disproportionate share of COVID deaths: https://bit.ly/3hGF4et
- Hilldale Mall expands reopening: https://bit.ly/30ZGmeO
- Alvarez hopes to have a better idea in July about games at Camp Randall: https://bit.ly/37L7cZb
Briefing From Public Health Madison and Dane County
- 608-243-0420 – arrange free transportation for testing. Don’t want access to be a barrier to getting.
- 134 additional people tested positive since last Monday. June 12-18 – 116 cases. 44 tested alliant energy site 72 – other sites. 26 associated with cluster illness. 12 – places of business; 10 congregated social cluster together – 2 from day care 2 from other. With opening seeing people social circles expanding. Reminder to keep social circles small minimize you getting sick or spreading if you are. Not a lot in Dane County but have seen in surrounding areas and could have been 100% preventable with social distancing. If not able social distancing, face covers should be used.
Data Dashboard
- Change – published % of positivity rate. You can see on a daily basis. 1-2% positivity.
- See 25% persons testing positive are asymptomatic. Reminder it still can be spread.
- We are looking good on forward metrics.
- Community spread is about 25% of cases.
- New Data snap shot should be posted today and the next will be Monday, June 29, 2020.
Planning for Opening Government Operations – Dane County – (Handouts are Attached)
Dane County Risk Management
- Best place to look for information – go to public health website.
- The county has over 2500 employees; 30 departments and 200 managers. The County are not a top heavy organization.
- The County has one place for technology, payroll, facilities management and integrated employees.
- There are couple areas being remodeled and DC is working to make sure vendor are following protocol.
- There are some places that never stopped operating like Court, Highway, Sherriff, 911 and Badger Prairie. These Departments began to work their Continuation Of Operations Plans (COOP). They each have they own medical director which is a key to their success with no COVID cases.
- People who were/are working remotely are the ones looking to come back. We are still looking have people work from home but are working to discuss what % of people will be coming back and when.
- Dane County is working on a plan if there is 2nd waive and how to ramp up again if necessary.
- Had a soft opening of the Zoo. Limiting the number.
- The airport – Dane County own but follow FAA
- Alliant Energy not having any shows. However testing is out there.
- The City County Building is still closed to the public
- Follow up to come shortly
- Next Briefing Monday, June 29, 2020
Here is your COVID Follow up.
Current Data
- 1,141 confirmed cases-Dane County (24,819-State)
- 32 deaths-Dane County (744-State)
- 64,373 tested-Dane County (485,135-State)
Briefing From Public Health Madison and Dane County
- Alliant Energy Center will be open and operational as is until AUG 2, 2020.
- Health Rides through Public Health. Call 608-243-0420 – PH can arrange free transportation for testing. Don’t want access to transportation to be a barrier to getting.
- As Forward Dane opens up, more folks are getting out a bit more and that makes tracing a bit more difficult. Encourage folks to keep their social circle small. If you are ill, limit the exposure of others.
- There have been outbreaks that are completely preventable (e.g, parties, bars, etc.).
- Getting many questions on sports and return to school. UW has had one case identified as positive in a sport team.
- People need to remain diligent:
- Hand washing
- Cover coughs
- Physical distancing
- Stay home if ill
Data Dashboard
- Change – published % of positivity rate. You can see on a daily basis. 1-2% positivity. Want to remain below 5%
- You are encouraged to look at weekly data snapshot as they fluctuate less than daily data.
Other states have rising numbers. Can we expect that in Dane County or are we doing something different here?
Response: We are trying to avoid the rising numbers. In some cases folks are returning to Pre-COVID activities without the precautions.
When should we expect to see the weekly data updates?
Response: The weekly data update should be out this afternoon.
What do we know about the 70 positive cases and/or the increase in positive cases?
Response: It may well be that the 70 cases were spread out more than the last few days. It may have been a data entry issue.
Based on what we know and the trend, do we expect the 20 cases/day to continue?
Response: Hope not. Number of cases fluctuates. It may be due to the number of testing being done at the Alliant Center that results in higher positive test results. The main driver of the numbers will be due to the clusters where there are 10-15 people from one business, event, etc. It may not be indicative of a county wide issue.
In light of the new cases is there any new information/guidance we should be highlighting?
Response: We should continue best practices that we have had in place the last few months: Hand washing, Physical distancing, Wearing masks, Do not travel if you are not well
Do you anticipate any mandate about face coverings similar to other parts of the country?
Response: Does not think public health will be mandating face coverings. It will be up to individuals, businesses, etc.
It looks like the case count is higher than 20 per day. Is there any info on how this will impact our progress in Forward Dane. Will the numbers put us in the Red Zone?
Response: We will analyze the data that is coming out today. Hope we will see trends declining, but have to rely on data.
Planning for Opening Government Operations – Dane County – (Handouts are Attached)
Dane County Risk Management
- Best place to look for information – go to public health website.
Clarify home visits that were part of the day-day operations for some of the departments. Will home visits return.
Response: Remote home visits when and where possible. When in person home visits must happen, folks will be masked and physically distance.
Will remote visits become the norm as we move forward?
Response: In some cases.
Will services that typically were done in person (e.g., applications for licenses, etc.) in the City County building be restored to in-person or will they be online?
Response: The City County building is closed. Unsure how all of the various licenses, deeds, building permits, etc. are being done. Each department is approaching a bit differently. Most meetings have been done remotely. If not done correctly, the meetings can be hijacked.
Comment: Marriage licenses are using go-to meetings.
When in-person services resume, will there be recommendations or requirements for face coverings?
Response: One of the reasons that the City County building is not open is because of all of the public usage. Can control employee behaviors, but have not decided how to deal with all of the public visitors. Should visitors have temperatures taken? Do they have to wear a mask? How to enforce? Who will enforce? Difficult issues and questions.
- Next Briefing Monday, June 29, 2020
Today is Juneteenth. On this day in 1865, the people of Galveston Texas were told the war had ended and that enslaved people were now free. This news came to Texas 2 1/2 years after President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
The City of Madison Common Council and Mayor Rhodes-Conway issued a proclamation recognizing the importance of Juneteenth. This proclamation includes the following “NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Madison calls upon all Madisonians to take up the charge to promote racial equity and social justice, particularly in the City of Madison, in order to bring true meaning to the significance of this day as we embark on ways to eradicate systemic racism through police reforms, and addressing health and economic inequities.” Read the message from Mayor Rhodes-Conway and the press release on the Proclamation from the Mayor and Council Leadership.
- Vilas Park Master Plan Public Input Meeting on Mon, June 22 from 6:30-8pm – This meeting is to gather input on the future of Vilas Park. This meeting is via Zoom and requires registration. More Information
- Wilson Street Corridor Study – A virtual meeting via Zoom is schedule for Mon, June 29 at 6:30pm. Please register in advance on the project page. The meeting will include a presentation and opportunity for questions and answers. The presentation will be available on the website shortly before the meeting.
- Anderson St – Work begins Monday between Wright St and Stoughton Rd. This project includes a new bike facility. More Info
- Cottage Grove Rd from the Interstate to Sprecher Rd – Road reconstruction has started. Be aware that streets on the bike detour were just chip sealed so use caution when traveling in this area. Traffic lanes are currently moved to the north side only.Project Information
- Schroeder Rd near Struck St – The McKenna Flood Mitigation project has moved into Phase 2 on Schroeder Rd. The Greentree-Chapel Hill Path will remain closed and at Schroeder Rd bicycles will be detoured to Rayovac Dr to reach Struck St. Please follow the marked bicycle detour.
- Johnson St – ATC is doing work on Johnson St between Blount St and Pak St related to the substation and are working at manholes throughout this area with short closures required where work is happening.
- Badger State Trail and Seminole Hwy at McKee Rd – The Badger State Trail in Fitchburg closed Mon, April 27 to begin construction of a bridge over the road. Seminole Hwy will remain open but only one travel lane in each direction with no bike lane. The City of Fitchburg asks bicyclists on Seminole Hwy to follow the marked bicycle detour. More Information and Detour Map
- Gregory St – This reconstruction project has started and is expected to last until October. Project Information
- Toepfer, Holly, Euclid, St Clair – Work has started and the road is closed except for resident access.
- Packers Ave – From Londonderry to Tennyson only two lanes are open for this resurfacing project. Project completion is expected by the end of June.
- Elizabeth St and N Ingersoll – This project will reconstruct Elizabeth St from N Ingersoll to N Few St and N Ingersoll from Sherman to Gorham. This project includes a contraflow bike lane on N Ingersoll St and other improvements. More Information
- Capitol Square – A State of Wisconsin project from Wisconsin to W Washington is impacting the Capitol Square.
- Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Sidewalk Replacement – Work has started and is proceeding ahead of schedule. Bike racks have been moved to new locations so please look along the Capitol Square, Doty St and Wilson St for parking. Project Information
- Fish Hatchery Rd Reconstruction – Work is happening in the section in the City of Fitchburg. Detour at the Cannonball Path north of the beltline if traveling south from Madison. Project Information
- Old Sauk Road between Pleasant View Rd & Pioneer Rd – This section of road will be closed starting April 1. Bicyclists will wan to use Pleasant View Rd to Blackhawk Rd to Twin Valley Rd. Motor vehicle traffic will be detoured to Pioneer Rd and Mineral Point. Bicyclists will want to continue on to Big Stone Trail to White Fox Lane to the Pioneer Park Path to return to Old Sauk Road.
- West Towne Path extension and underpass of Gammon Rd – Avoid travel on Gammon Rd near the Beltline and West Towne Mall if possible. Access to the mall is being maintained in this area but it will be easier to use Mineral Point Rd entrances. Project Information
- Monona’s Bridge Rd – Monona has Bridge Rd closed between Inland Way and Lake Pointe Dr. The Lake Loop will not be impacted but access to other streets will be.
- UW Arboretum Curtis Pond Rehabilitation – Work is going on near the west entrance to the arboretum across from the Curtis Pond. New stop signs have been installed and trucks will be using the road. Please follow any signage or workers. Watch for gravel in the road.
- Reinhndahl Park Path remains closed for the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District interceptor project. The path is anticipated to reopen late May/early June.
- Protests – Please expect and respect disruptions to bicycle routes as people gather to exercise their first amendment rights here in Madison. If your route is blocked, please wait respectfully or take a different route to your destination.
- Loop the Lake – This year participants will be doing the Loop the Lake on their own starting Mon, June 14 through Sun, June 21 so expect increased usage on the route during this time. More Info
- Dane County Farmer’s Market – The market has moved to Willow Island at the Alliant Energy Center and will be open Wednesdays and Fridays by pre-order. Expect higher than normal traffic on the paths in the area on these days. More Information
Order online at www.madisonpay.com
Sticker is mailed after a successful purchase. Allow 1 week for delivery.
Order by mail:
Mail request to Street Division, 1501 W. Badger Rd., Madison, WI 53713.
Allow 1 week for request to arrive and another week for sticker to arrive.
Order by phone:
Provide credit card information over the phone during regular business hours, Monday – Friday 7:30am – 4pm.
East side residents should call 608-246-4532
West side residents should call 608-266-4681
Sticker is mailed after purchase. Allow 1 week for delivery.
Additional Information
Keep an eye on the Streets Division website. As the pandemic situation lingers, any update to services will be posted there. Our website is www.cityofmadison.com/streets.
In the meantime if you have any questions, let us know.
Bryan Johnson
Recycling Coordinator
HUD-FHA Foreclosure and Eviction Moratorium Extended to August 31, 2020:
The HUD Federal Housing Administration (FHA) has published Mortgagee Letter (ML) 2020-19, “Extension of Foreclosure and Eviction Moratorium in connection with the Presidentially-Declared COVID-19 National Emergency”. This ML announces a second extension of the foreclosure and eviction moratorium through August 31, 2020. Please read the Press Release.
This guidance is applicable to all FHA Title II single family forward mortgage programs and the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) reverse mortgage program, except for those secured by vacant and/or abandoned properties. This action further helps those individuals and families with FHA-insured homes who have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 National Emergency.
6/23/20 8:20 p.m.
A drop in water pressure this afternoon stirred up mineral sediment in water mains near Tenney Park, causing discolored water. The impacted area is the 2000 to 2500 blocks of E. Washington, E. Dayton, E. Mifflin, and E. Johnson.
Madison Water Utility crews have located a water main break in the area and isolated the broken section.
If your water is discolored, take the following steps:
- Run the cold water tap in the lowest level of your home or building until the water runs clear.
- If you have a basement sink, that’s a great spot.
- It helps to turn the cold water tap on all the way, flushing the discolored water out as quickly as possible.
- If your water does not clear after 15 to 20 minutes, call our dispatch line at (608) 266-4661.
While discolored water is not harmful, we generally recommend that people avoid using it for cooking or drinking. The minerals that most often lead to discolored water in Madison are iron and manganese, which naturally occur in our sandstone aquifer.

Beach AlertWater quality monitoring will be updated as beaches open. Observe water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algal blooms. Per Forward Dane, a group gathering cannot be larger than 50 people (with distancing).
Beach | Status | Message | ||||
BB Clarke | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/22/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 74°F . Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Bernies | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/16/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 71°F . Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Brittingham | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/16/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 70°F . Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Esther | Closed | The beach is closed for swimming due to elevated levels of bacteria tested on 6/22/2020. The beach will reopen when bacteria levels are acceptable.
Frost Woods | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/22/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 75°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Goodland County Park | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/22/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 75°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Hudson Park Lake Access Point | Closed | The beach is closed for swimming due to blue-green algae, observed/tested on 6/23/2020. The beach will reopen when conditions are acceptable.
James Madison | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/16/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 61°F . Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Lake Mendota County Park | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/16/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 69°F . Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Maple Bluff Beach Park | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/16/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 70°F . Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Marshall | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/16/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 70°F . Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Memorial Union (Pier) | Closed | In response to COVID-19, Memorial Union Terrace and Memorial Union Swimming Pier are closed indefinitely by order of The University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Olbrich | Closed | The beach is closed for swimming due to elevated levels of bacteria tested on 6/22/2020. The beach will reopen when bacteria levels are acceptable.
Olin | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/22/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 74°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Schluter | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/22/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 75°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Spring Harbor | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/16/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 70°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Stewart County Park | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/17/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 71°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Tenney | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/16/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 70°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Verona Fireman’s Park | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/17/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 74°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Vilas | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/16/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 72°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Warner | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 6/16/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 69°F . Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Water Main Flushing plans beginning Monday, June 22nd(all flushing is daytime unless otherwise noted)
MAP: http://www.cityofmadison.com/
East (Area 11) — North of Milwaukee St from Stoughton Rd to E Washington Ave
West (Area 6) — University Ave to Regent St between Franklin Ave and Spooner St
West (Area 12) — Whitney Way to Midvale Blvd from Odana Rd to Mineral Point Rd.
West (Area 28) — West of the Beltline between Blackhawk Rd and Elderberry Rd. AND Between High Point Rd and Gammon Rd south of Old Sauk Rd.
Questions: Shayne Santi, 261-9128
Flushing Information Line: 261-9178
Area 11 (East):5-8 runs per day
Run ID Run Description
11080 Sprecher Ave – Corporate Dr (Milwaukee to W end Corporate)
11081 Sprecher – Blettner (starts/ends at Corporate)
11081.1 n stoughton rd to n walbridge av above zink av (near corpoate dr)
11082 Specher Ave – Service Rd (Blettner to W end Service Rd)
11083 Stoughton Rd @ Nakoosa Trl
11084 Stoughton Rd – Lexington Av (Mayfair to W of Stoughton)
11085 Stoughton Rd (Lexington Ave to Larson Ct)
11086 Stoughton Rd (S of Concord to E Washington)
11087 Lexington Ave – Mayfair to E Washington
11087.2 Mayfair – Commercial (Lexington to Jacobson)
11088 Home Av – Jacobson Av (Mayfair to Commercial)
11089 Mayfair Av – Concord Av (Lexington to W of Fairmont)
11090 Fairmont Av – Concord Av (Lexington to W of Fairmont)
11090.1 Fairmont from Lexington to Commercial
11091 Jacobson Av – Lexington Av (Home to Fair Oaks)
11092 Burke Av – Christianson Av (Jacobson to Commercial)
11092.2 Burke – Fair Oaks to Christianson
11093 Christianson Av (Lexington to Commercial)
11094 Mayfair Av – Albert Ct (Concord to end)
11095 Stoughton – Concord – Rosedale (starts/ends N of Brigham)
11096 Brigham Av – Rosedale Av (Mayfair to N of Brigham)
11097 Cherry Av – Concord Av (Brigham to SW of Rosedale)
11098 Concord Av – Stoughton Rd (Mayfair to N of Brigham)
11099 Stoughton – Prairie – Mayfair – Albert Ct (Concord to end Albert)
Area 6 (West):4-6 runs per day
Run ID Run Description
6006.1 Franklin Ave (University to Mason)
6006.2 Lynn Terrace
6007 Franklin Ave – Mason St (Regent to Shepard)
6007.2 Shepard Terrace
6007.3 Chamberlain Av – Shepard Ter (Franklin to S end Shepard)
6007.4 Van Hise Av – Shepard Ter (Franklin to S end Shepard)
6073 Barlow St
6074 Stevens St (Shepard to Quarry Park)
6008 Stevens St (Franklin to Grand)
6009 Kendall Ave (Franklin to Grand)
6010 Chamberlain Ave (Franklin to Grand)
6011 Van Hise (Grand to W end Van Hise)
6012 Mason St (Franklin to Grand)
6013 University (Franklin to Grand)
6013.1 Grand Ave (Regent to Kendall)
6014 Farley Ave – Park Place (University to Grand)
6015 Farley Ave – Park Place (Regent to Grand)
6018 University Ave – Birge Ter (Grand to E end Birge)
6019 Chamberlain Ave – Campus Dr (University to Paunack)
6020 Paunack Place
6021.1 Walnut St – University to Gifford Pinchot, 12″ Main
6022 Kendall Ave (Grand to Chestnut)
6023 Chamberlain Ave (Grand to Chestnut)
6024 Highland Ave – Speedway Rd (University to S end Speedway)
6025 Van Hise Ave (Grand to Elm)
Area 12 (West):4-6 runs per day
Run ID Run Description
12131 Rushmore Ln – Presidential to Tocora
12132 Rushmore Ln S of Tocora
12133 Manor Cross & Eyre Ln
12134 Constitution Ln – Tokay Blvd – Caldy Pl
12135 Segoe Rd – Tokay to Hillview
12136 Hilton Dr & Phillip Ln
12137 Laub Ln & Berwin Ln
12138 Hilton Dr & Ascot Ln
12139 Groton Ln
12140 Tocora Ln – Hilton to Segoe
12141 Mineau Pkwy
12142 Hilltop – Mineral Point to Segoe
12143 Segoe – Hillview to Tocora
12144 Hillview Ter
12145 Edward Ter – Tokay to Hillview
12146 Hilltop Dr – Tokay to Ames
12147 Segoe – Hillview to Mineral Point
12148 Segoe – Mineral Point to Hilltop
12149 Agnes Dr
12150 Piper Dr
12151 Ames St
12152 Orchard Dr – Mineral Point to Piper Dr
12153 Orchard Dr – Odana to Ames St
12154 Charles Ln – Odana to Ames St
12155 Charles Ln – Keating Ter to Ames St
12156 Woodside Ter – Tokay to Keating Ter
12157 Togstad Glen – Tokay to Keating
12158 Midvale – Tokay to Keating Ter
12159 Keating Ter and Woods End
12160 Mineral Point – Midvale to Parklawn
12161 Mineral Point – Orchard to Parklawn
Area 28 (West):5-8 runs per day
Run ID Run Description
28195 Gammon Rd (Old Sauk to N end of Gammon)
28198 Harvest Hill – Firestone (Strathfield to S end Firestone)
28199 Harvest Hill Rd extension
28200 Morningdale Circle
28201 Fiskdale Circle
28202 N High Pt Rd (Old Sauk to Brule)
28202.1 E Copper Cir
28202.2 W Copper Cir
28203 N High Pt Rd – Sayner Ct (Old Sauk to W side Sayner)
28204 N High Pt extension (High Pt to W of Sayner Ct)
28205 Sayner Ct – N High Pt extension
28206 Sauk Creek Dr – Sauk Creek Cir
28207 Sauk Creek Dr – Plover Cir (S. Creek Cir to S end Plover)
28208 Sauk Creek Dr – St. Lawrence Cir (Plover Cir to E end St. Lawrence)
28209 Sauk Creek Dr – E Geneva Cir (St. Lawrence Cir to end E Geneva)
28210 W Geneva Cir
28211 Sauk Creek Dr – Brule Cir (Geneva Cir to E end Brule)
28212 Wolf St – Brule St – Brule Cir (High Pt to E end Brule Cir)
28215 High Point Rd (Brule to Mineral Point)
28216 Gray Fox Trl – G. Fox Cir (High Pt to S end G. Fox Cir)
28217 Gray Fox Trl – Red Fox Trl (G. Fox Cir to midway R. Fox)
28219 E Oakbrook (W Oakbrook to Tree Ln)
28220 W Oakbrook – E Oakbrook (Stonehedge to Tree Ln)
28221 Oak Glen Ct-Crossbridge Ct (W Oakbroak to E Oakbrook)
28222 Sandy Ct/Stonehedge Ct
28223 Tree Ln (High Pt to Mineral Pt)
28224 Tree Ln extension (Tree Ln E to hyd)
28225 Tree Ln extension (Tree Ln W to hyd)
28226 E Oakbridge Way (Tree Ln to High Pt)
28227 Tree Ln (High Pt to E of Westfield)
28228 Mineral Pt (High Pt to Junction)
28229 Mineral Point Rd-Commerce Dr-Plaza Dr
28230 Commerce Dr (Mineral Point to E end Commerce)
28231 Commerce Dr (N-S connector to Mineral Point)
28038 Cone Flower St
28039 Bear Claw Wy (Old Sauk to SW end)
28039.2 Crown Hill
28040 Fargo Trail (Bear Claw to White Fox)
28041 Fawn Ridge Circle
28042 Fargo Trail (White Fox to Lost Meadow)
28043 White Fox Lane (Fargo to Eagle Nest)
28044 Eagle Nest Lane (White Fox to Fargo)
28045 Fargo (Lost Meadow to Whippoorwill)
28046 Lost Meadow Road (Fargo to Little Bear)
28047 Whippoorwill Way (Fargo to Little Bear)
28048 Little Bear Drive (Lost Meadow to Elderberry) Elderberry to west end
28049 Fargo Trl (Lost Meadow to Wilrich St)
28050 Elderberry Rd (Little Bear Dr to east end)
28051.1 Little Bear Dr south of Elderberry & Cobalt St
28051.2 Spirit St west of Little Bear Dr
28051.3 Cobalt St (West of Little Bear Dr)
28052 Stoneywood Blvd