Salvation Army shelter and alder updates, what city committee meetings can and can’t meet, protests, meeting info and more.
For Alder Blogs:
COVID-19 Information Update 5/28/20
As of this morning, there are 686 people who have tested positive for COVID-19 in Dane County, up 31 from yesterday’s update. Nineteen of these new positives are from the community test site, 6 are from congregate living facilities, and 6 are from other sites (e.g., doctor’s offices, hospitals, clinics).
Alliant Energy Center Community Testing Site Update
- The testing site is open until 8pm on Thursdays. We will provide an updated number or specimen’s collected tomorrow.
- The test site has been extended to stay open until June 24.
Sport FAQ
We are getting a lot of questions about sports! In the current order, sport competitions, team sports, and contact sports are not allowed. No-contact practices, drills, catch, and instructional lessons are allowed with 6 feet of physical distancing. Tennis, pickle ball, disc golf, golf or beanbag toss are allowed within Phase 1 since 6 feet of physical distancing is feasible. Read more FAQs about sports in our latest fact sheet
Information for Alders:
Next CCEC and Common Council Meeting is June 2.
In the news today:
- Madison restaurants allowed to expand outdoor dining:
- ‘COVID hasn’t gone anywhere’: Number of Wisconsinites hospitalized for COVID grows:
- Crisis within crisis: racial inequities in COVID are devastating black people in WI:
- Bucks, Brewers, Packers have high hopes during pandemic shutdown:
- Hospitals, clinics plan after thousands of postponed visits, surgeries:
- WI offices to reopen gradually, businesses adopt social distancing:
- Red Cross faces potential blood shortage, needs 5,700 donations in WI:
- Wisconsin to send absentee ballot forms to most voters:
- City loosens limits on outdoor dining, creates ‘café zones’:
- Backlog of WI’s unemployment claims expected to continue for months:
- MMSD officials plan summer food program, think about fall reopening:
- Evers announces $200M in aid for localities as state sees record cases:
- MMSD examines reopening guidance as it plans for fall semester:
- Northern WI Country music festival is on despite health opposition:
- WI sharp rise in COVID deaths as health officials confirm 662 new cases:
- Local piano bar starts GoFundMe to stay afloat during pandemic:
- Henry Vilas Zoo plans to reopen with safety restrictions:
- 3 easy ways to help first responders, essential workers during COVID:
- Everybody doesn’t quite know how to interact,’ Dane Co. gyms, salons reopen:
For Alder Blogs:
COVID-19 Information Update 5/27/20
As of this morning, there are 655 people who have tested positive for COVID-19 in Dane County, up 25 from yesterday’s update. Seven of these new positives are from the community test site, 7 are from congregate living facilities, and 11 are from other sites (e.g., doctor’s offices, hospitals, clinics). See the latest data on our dashboard.
This week, new case numbers have been higher than in past weeks. We have also had more testing. On Monday, we will update the percent of tests that have been positive. This is an important indicator in our Forward Dane metrics. The numbers of tests per day and the number of positive tests per day fluctuate greatly, so sharing percent positivity each day isn’t particularly helpful. Instead, we look at percent positivity over a two week period to get a better sense of trends. As of May 22, our 14-day percent positivity was 1%.
Alliant Energy Center Community Testing Site Update
- Yesterday (5/26), 791 samples were collected. Today, 460 samples were collected. The total number of people tested at the community test site is 7945.
- The test site has been extended to stay open until June 24.
Other Updates
Yesterday we issued a memo in response to questions raised about Forward Dane.
Information for Alders:
Next CCEC and Common Council Meeting is June 2.
Gov. Tony Evers today announced the launch of the “Routes to Recovery: Local Government Aid Grants” program, a $200 million effort aimed at helping local leaders address some of their most urgent and unique COVID-19 recovery needs. Administered by the Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA), Routes to Recovery Grants will be allocated to every Wisconsin county, city, village, town and federally recognized tribe.
The effort is funded by $200 million in federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act dollars and will be administered by the DOA. Of the $200 million, $10 million will be allocated to Wisconsin’s tribal nations, with the remaining funds being distributed to every Wisconsin county, city, village and town.
In the news today:
- Going the distance: Madison teachers miss their students as they adjust to virtual learning:
- Board deciding whether WI State Fair should be held this summer:
- Tests of COVID survivor plasma move to next phase:
- With positive cases slowing, drive-in movies are back, but State Fair might not be:
- Attanasio working on how to get baseball safely back at Miller Park:
- Landlords jump the gun on evictions before moratorium ends:
- Updated: Dane Co. takes first tentative steps toward getting back to business:
- Updated: Madison City Council members, Dane Co. supervisors question county’s reopening plan:
- ‘It can’t be a party atmosphere’: Bars, restaurants downtown reopen with changes:
- What to expect at your next hair appointment:
- Rhinelander’s Hodag Country Festival still on this summer despite COVID:
- Madison Mayor shops local businesses as Dane Co. moves into Phase 1:
- Sauk County to offer free drive-thru COVID testing Friday:
- Buck and Honey’s using UV sanitation technology:
- Kalahari resort in Wisconsin Dells reopens Wednesday:
- Ho-Chunk’s Madison casino to partially reopen Wednesday:
- East, West Towne Malls open with restrictions:
- Members return to changes as Prairie Athletic Club reopens:
For Alder Blogs:
COVID-19 Information Update 5/26/20
As of this morning, there are 630 people who have tested positive for COVID-19 in Dane County, up 14 from yesterday. From 5/23 – 5/25, there were 33 new cases of COVID-19 in Dane County. Of those, six were related to clusters in facilities. There are a lot of tests that likely have not been processed yet and the test numbers from recent days will increase as they come in. The positive tests that show up in our system are prioritized and processed by our staff more quickly than the negative tests. Additionally, some labs may receive test results but not immediately enter them electronically. Our team uses the date of test result to report tests and cases by day; there may, for example, be a test result dated 5/22 but doesn’t come to us until 5/26. As a result, the past few days of data are subject to change slightly as we receive delayed reports.
Alliant Energy Center Community Testing Site Update
- On Saturday, the test site collected 353 samples. The total number of people tested at the community test site is 6694.
- The site is open until 8:00pm tonight, so we will report the number tested there tomorrow.
Phase 1 went into effect this morning at 8:00am.
Information for Alders:
No updates at this time.
In the news today:
- Shuttered for months by coronavirus, hair salons and barbershops reopen for business with new rules:
- Dane County takes first tentative steps toward getting back to business:
- Percent of Positive COVID-19 tests drops for fourth day in a row:
- Justices allow lower courts to resume with virus controls:
- Takeout just isn’t the same’: Handful of restaurants reopen in face of virus:
- Alders, supervisors share concerns about Forward Dane plan as businesses begin to reopen:
- Dane Co. launches COVID-19 testing program for first responders:
- Madison City Council members, Dane County supervisors question county’s reopening plan:
- Salons ready to prove a good cut, color are far from nonessential:
- Forward Madison FC plans return to training with small-group sessions:
- Unemployment insurance is the latest political flashpoint in WI:
- Unemployment insurance trust could run out as soon as October:
- Higher prices expected at the grocery store, at least temporarily:
SATURDAY: #CancelTheRents/#Fre eThemAll CAR CARAVAN!
On Saturday, May 30th, thousands of people around the US will mobilize to demand: A national cancellation of all rents, mortgages for homeowners, small landlords and small businesses for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Come June 1st, the rent will be due and little has been done to help working people to cover these expenses. The two major political parties have forced a false choice on workers–either stay safe at home and starve or go to work and risk death.
We know there is another option: instead of bailing out bankers, bail out the people! That is why we are calling on the City Government, the State Government, and the Federal Government to cancel rent and mortgages for workers, small business owners, and small landlords.
Since the pandemic hit, PSL Madison has also demanded the immediate release of people in the Dane County Jail, with housing and healthcare ensured by the county. PSL understands that our demands to #CancelTheRents and #FreeThemAll are linked: the same capitalism that forces workers to build up insurmountable rent debt during a crisis is the same capitalism that keeps poor people, especially Black people, locked up on crimes of poverty!
Join us on Saturday at the Wil-Mar Center Parking lot at 12:00 to demand #CancelTheRent and #FreeThemAll!
Joint MPO-CARPC Meeting on Wednesday, June 3rd, at 6:30pm
There will be a joint MPO-CARPC meeting on Wednesday, June 3rd, at 6:30pm CT. The agenda andpackets are on the web at
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will take place virtually via Zoom. You may participate in the meeting from your computer, tablet, smartphone, or telephone by registering at
Registrants will receive an email with details on how to join the meeting. If you do not have Internet access, call Linda Firestone at (608) 358-6057 to register.
Public comment may also be sent via email to at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Women’s Shelter –
- As you are all aware, we have transitioned our night-only Women’s Shelter to a 24/7 shelter due to COVID-19 and the need for social distancing. We will continue to operate the Women’s Shelter 24/7 through the end of the year. Starting June 1, 2020, everyone staying in the Women’s Shelter will be moving upstairs into what used to be the family rooms and we will be converting our gym (where the women used to sleep) into more of an activity space. We will continue to serve anyone that identifies as a woman at East Washington and operate the shelter without the 90-day policy.
- New Check in Process: The Salvation Army and Porchlight are now partnering with a Virtual Volunteer Program to screen for COVID-19. The program uses electronic tablets and nurse volunteers to conduct a COVID-19 screen every day during our nightly shelter check in. All Women’s Shelter guests will need to check in every day at 4:15pm and complete the COVID-19 screen with the nurse volunteers.
- In order to access day services guests must have slept at The Salvation Army shelter the night before and completed the COVID-19 screen. New Women’s Shelter guests will need to complete a new shelter intake and COVID-19 screen at 4:15pm.
Family Shelter –
- We are currently providing offsite shelter to 58 families. On June 1, families will no longer be served at our East Washing building and will be sheltered offsite. This is necessary in order to provide proper social distancing and services for the women.
- If offsite sheltering becomes limited or new rooms are no longer available, we will operate a waitlist for new family call ins. We will track who calls in consistently and maintain an active waitlist.
- Our team has assisted 14 families to secure permanent housing so far and will continue to remain housing focused and ideally create movement to permanent destinations. We will have 3 full time family shelter case managers that will work with families and we will continue to partner to Focus Counseling to provide additional onsite support.
- Diversion services will continue for any new family seeking shelter and will provide light touch “waitlist” case management when capacity allows.
- Family Call in Process: If families need shelter, they should call 608-250-2298 and leave a message before noon. Families need to leave a message with their contact information, name, name of everyone in their family and their ages. A Salvation Army staff member will call them back between 12-1pm to let them know about shelter for the evening. At that time, if we do not have an offsite option the family will be added to the waitlist. Once a family is added to the waitlist they will need to call in once a week to remain active on the waitlist. This means families will NOT need to call in daily for shelter but can always call the shelter line (608-250-2298) or our main line (608-250-2200) if they have questions.
Please let me know if you need any additional information.
Thank you!
Tara Barica, MSW – Assistant Director of Social Services
Dear Education Committee Members-
Below is the status of city committee meetings as of today. I’ve provided a little background and an update to how the City of Madison is reinstating virtual committee meetings. At this point the Education Committee is not on the approved list of meetings to begin virtual meetings.
Brief Background:
The majority of city board, committee and commission meetings were put on hold due to COVID-19 and Safer at Home orders. Several crucial committees continued to meet virtually to continue the work of the City of Madison and keep vital services running. As we move forward with the first phase of reopening, we are looking at expanding virtual committee meetings based on those with critical items to discuss/act on. Currently, only committees that have been approved by the Mayor and Common Council President can meet virtually. This process is based upon critical items that must be acted upon to continue services or budgetary items.
Current Status:
We are at the beginning of the reopening phase. It is a delicate balance of training on how to host virtual committee meetings via Zoom, system capacity, providing transparency for citizens and addressing critical items in a timely manner. Based upon current guidelines, the Education Committee is not slated to begin virtual meetings in the first round of virtual committee meetings. The City of Madison has begun staff training and is working to prepare for the virtual meeting of more committees based upon need. Meetings scheduled for June will include an expanded list of Committees that need to cover critical items. All other committee meetings will be postponed until further notice.
The status of COVID-19 will continue to shape our protocols. Information is constantly changing. We will share updates as soon as they are available. We hope to be able to reconvene in late summer/early fall but will strive to meet sooner.
We hope you are staying healthy and safe.
In an email to the neighborhood about a project on 400 block of E Washington we were told:
So that everyone can schedule accordingly, please be advised that the next UDC meeting is July 1, which corresponds to the July 13 Plan Commission meeting. Due to limitations on the number of virtual meetings that the City’s Information Technology Department can host, the UDC has been limited to one meeting per month through the rest of 2020. We hope to publish an updated UDC/PC meeting schedule reflecting this change very soon.
A friendly little reminder for a Safe Skies Clean Waters member:

Dear sir or madam,
Please be advised that CASEY MEUER will be filing a demolition permit application on August 1, 2020 for Plan Commission review that calls for a DUPLEX located at 404 N Few St Madison, WI 53703 to be demolished. For more information regarding this forthcoming application, you may contact the applicant, CASEY MEUER, 243 BERGAMONT BLVD OREGON, WI 53575 at or (608)719-9020.
Applicant’s Comments:
Demolition of existing two car garage to rebuild same with additional dwelling unit (2 bed/2 bath).
Currently zoned TR-C4.
If you have any questions about the Plan Commission demolition permit approval process, please contact the City of Madison Planning Division at (608) 266-4635.