The usual with a few extra things tossed in to keep it interesting. Round ups of round ups and mostly city information.
Alder Daily Round Ups
This is what the city staff thinks is important for the Alders to know every day during the pandemic. All the latest, most important information! jk. They repeat the same info over and over and over and don’t include things we really need to know!
For Alder Blogs:
Public Health:
Confirmed Cases – 4,083
Total Tests – 161,209
Cases Ever Hospitalized – 278
Deaths – 37
Community Testing Site Update
Alliant Energy Center
- Wednesday (7/29) 1706 people were tested and Thursday (7/30) 2310 people were tested.
- The total number of people who have been tested at the community test site is 92,255.
Public Health:
Confirmed Cases – 4,005
Total Tests – 155,354
Cases Ever Hospitalized – 277
Deaths – 35
From City Clerk:
With the Partisan Primary only five weeks away, the City of Madison Clerk’s Office encourages voters who will need to vote absentee by mail to submit their absentee requests soon.
Before requesting an absentee ballot, voters might want to verify their registration at .
City of Madison voters may cast absentee ballots at drive-up voting locations beginning Tuesday, July 28. Absentee voting locations were established based on a Pandemic Voting Access Equity Analysis pdf conducted after the April Election.
The City of Madison Clerk’s Office invites the public to observe its public test of election equipment this weekend. The City of Madison conducts its public test on a Saturday in order to make the process as accessible to the public as possible.
Prior to each election, the Clerk’s Office tests its DS200 tabulators to make sure they will accurately count votes on Election Day.
After testing each machine for accurate vote tabulation, Clerk’s Office staff secure the ballot box and scanner with tamper evident seals that are marked with unique serial numbers. The Clerk’s Office documents these serial numbers at the public test, and election officials verify the serial numbers as they open the polls on Election Day.
The City of Madison public test of election equipment will be held at 2713 E. Washington Ave. 9:00 am – 4:00 pm on Saturday, Aug. 1 and on Monday, Aug. 3. The Clerk’s Office will break for lunch 12:00 – 1:00 pm each day.
The City of Madison is offering ballot drop-off sites for absentee voters wishing to return their ballots in person. A poll worker will be present at each site, wearing a facemask and high visibility vest, to accept absentee ballots and to serve as a witness, if needed.
In order to be counted, ballots must be sealed in a certificate envelope bearing the signature of the voter, the signature of a witness, and the address of the witness.
Please see link for sites:
From Streets:
The Streets Division uses a truck-mounted crane to collect large items, and we also use two-person crews to lift things from the curb. Following these below guidelines will help keep the workers safe and make the collection faster so crews disrupt traffic less.
- Do not pile bagged trash or recyclables on top of large items or appliances set out for collection.
- Keep items away from obstructions, including low hanging wires, trees, and street signs.
- Keep metal items, such as filing cabinets or bed frames, separate from other material so they can be easily collected and recycled.
Residents in the downtown moving area with appliances, furniture, and other large items meant for collection are encouraged to begin placing them out for pickup starting on August 3, 2020 (and to use their scheduled collection for this week, too.)
Streets Division crews will begin collecting material on August 3, and will continue collection each work day until August 14,2020.
Information for Alders:
From the Governor’s Office:
Gov. Tony Evers today declared a Public Health Emergency and issued an Emergency Order requiring individuals to wear face coverings when indoors and not in a private residence, with some exceptions as clarified and defined in the order. The order is effective at 12:01 a.m. on Saturday, August 1, 2020, and will expire on September 28, 2020 or by a subsequent superseding order. Executive Order #82 declaring a public health emergency is available here and Emergency Order #1 requiring face coverings statewide is available here.
Public Health:
Confirmed Cases – 3,899
Total Tests – 154,877
Cases Ever Hospitalized – 273
Deaths – 34
From City Clerk:
With the Partisan Primary only five weeks away, the City of Madison Clerk’s Office encourages voters who will need to vote absentee by mail to submit their absentee requests soon.
Before requesting an absentee ballot, voters might want to verify their registration at .
City of Madison voters may cast absentee ballots at drive-up voting locations beginning Tuesday, July 28. Absentee voting locations were established based on a Pandemic Voting Access Equity Analysis pdf conducted after the April Election.
The City of Madison Clerk’s Office invites the public to observe its public test of election equipment this weekend. The City of Madison conducts its public test on a Saturday in order to make the process as accessible to the public as possible.
Prior to each election, the Clerk’s Office tests its DS200 tabulators to make sure they will accurately count votes on Election Day.
After testing each machine for accurate vote tabulation, Clerk’s Office staff secure the ballot box and scanner with tamper evident seals that are marked with unique serial numbers. The Clerk’s Office documents these serial numbers at the public test, and election officials verify the serial numbers as they open the polls on Election Day.
The City of Madison public test of election equipment will be held at 2713 E. Washington Ave. 9:00 am – 4:00 pm on Saturday, Aug. 1 and on Monday, Aug. 3. The Clerk’s Office will break for lunch 12:00 – 1:00 pm each day.
The City of Madison is offering ballot drop-off sites for absentee voters wishing to return their ballots in person. A poll worker will be present at each site, wearing a facemask and high visibility vest, to accept absentee ballots and to serve as a witness, if needed.
In order to be counted, ballots must be sealed in a certificate envelope bearing the signature of the voter, the signature of a witness, and the address of the witness.
Please see link for sites:
From Streets:
The Streets Division uses a truck-mounted crane to collect large items, and we also use two-person crews to lift things from the curb. Following these below guidelines will help keep the workers safe and make the collection faster so crews disrupt traffic less.
- Do not pile bagged trash or recyclables on top of large items or appliances set out for collection.
- Keep items away from obstructions, including low hanging wires, trees, and street signs.
- Keep metal items, such as filing cabinets or bed frames, separate from other material so they can be easily collected and recycled.
Residents in the downtown moving area with appliances, furniture, and other large items meant for collection are encouraged to begin placing them out for pickup starting on August 3, 2020 (and to use their scheduled collection for this week, too.)
Streets Division crews will begin collecting material on August 3, and will continue collection each work day until August 14,2020.
Information for Alders:
Please see attached. The National League of Cities is soliciting help in calling members of Congress with respect to the Safe to Work Act.
All Voting is Local and the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition hosted a panel on the 30th Anniversary of the ADA and Voting. The panel discussion is now on youtube
From Council Leadership meeting with Mayor:
- The Mayor reported that the Clerk’s office is receiving over 1,000 ballots a day. There is some concern that voter registration is down relative to past years.
- With respect to the census, there are still low numbers being collected from the university area, which could be attributed to students being gone, as well as the south side of Madison.
- More and more BCCs are beginning to meet with more staff getting trained.
- Covid numbers are trending positively in Dane County however there are concerns about gathering in the University area. There are also questions about whether the testing site at the Alliant Center will remain open after the first week of August. It is unknown if the federal government will continue to fund testing or if the State will pick it up. The Mayor’s office has already reached out to the Governor’s Office and everyone is awaiting the outcome of the senate bill.
- We could lose $11 million a week if the unemployment checks are cut,
- There is rising concern about childcare especially for essential workers when MMSD goes virtual in the fall. The City is advocating for assistance with elementary school children but there is still a concern with respect to middle school and high school students. The good news is that MMSD will continue its meal programs during that time.
- There is concern around a pending spike in evictions,
- The Concourse Hotel laid off over 100 staff and it is just one of several hotels making cuts in light of the drop in business due to Covid. Even though it has not yet been quantified, there is worry about the economic impact of Wisconsin being placed on Chicago’s quarantine list of States.
- The Mayor informed us that agencies capital budget requests have been posted on the link below and that she would like alders to review the requests and provide feedback to either her, her deputies or the Finance Department and that the sooner feedback is received, the better.,City%20investments%20for%202020%20%E2%80%93%202025.
- Nicole Stevens will be replacing Natasha Holmes as Executive Assistant to the Mayor and Performance Excellence Specialist, Kara Kratowicz is serving as Interim Deputy Mayor, handling special projects and some public safety matters.
From Operation Fresh Start:
In partnership with Commonwealth Development, City of Madison, Madison Police Department and 4Lakes Driving School, we a pleased to announce OFS DRIVE-Southwest Program. Drive is a program for 18 to 24 year old young people who need a license for work or school and are ready to work towards their future
For the August 17, 2020 program, priority will be given to 18 – 24 year old residents of Southwest Neighborhoods: Meadowwood, McKenna, Park Edge/Park Ridge and Theresa Terrace.
To apply, please visit our website at Application deadline is, Friday August 7.
For Alder Blogs:
Public Health:
Confirmed Cases – 3,899
Total Tests – 154,877
Cases Ever Hospitalized – 273
Deaths – 34
From City Clerk:
With the Partisan Primary only five weeks away, the City of Madison Clerk’s Office encourages voters who will need to vote absentee by mail to submit their absentee requests soon.
Before requesting an absentee ballot, voters might want to verify their registration at .
City of Madison voters may cast absentee ballots at drive-up voting locations beginning Tuesday, July 28. Absentee voting locations were established based on a Pandemic Voting Access Equity Analysis pdf conducted after the April Election.
The City of Madison is offering ballot drop-off sites for absentee voters wishing to return their ballots in person. A poll worker will be present at each site, wearing a facemask and high visibility vest, to accept absentee ballots and to serve as a witness, if needed.
In order to be counted, ballots must be sealed in a certificate envelope bearing the signature of the voter, the signature of a witness, and the address of the witness.
Please see link for sites:
Information for Alders:
From Operation Fresh Start:
In partnership with Commonwealth Development, City of Madison, Madison Police Department and 4Lakes Driving School, we a pleased to announce OFS DRIVE-Southwest Program. Drive is a program for 18 to 24 year old young people who need a license for work or school and are ready to work towards their future
For the August 17, 2020 program, priority will be given to 18 – 24 year old residents of Southwest Neighborhoods: Meadowwood, McKenna, Park Edge/Park Ridge and Theresa Terrace.
To apply, please visit our website at Application deadline is, Friday August 7.
For Alder Blogs:
Public Health:
Confirmed Cases – 3,863
Total Tests – 153,739
Cases Ever Hospitalized – 272
Deaths – 34
From City Clerk:
With the Partisan Primary only five weeks away, the City of Madison Clerk’s Office encourages voters who will need to vote absentee by mail to submit their absentee requests soon.
Before requesting an absentee ballot, voters might want to verify their registration at .
City of Madison voters may cast absentee ballots at drive-up voting locations beginning Tuesday, July 28. Absentee voting locations were established based on a Pandemic Voting Access Equity Analysis pdf conducted after the April Election.
Information for Alders:
From Operation Fresh Start:
In partnership with Commonwealth Development, City of Madison, Madison Police Department and 4Lakes Driving School, we a pleased to announce OFS DRIVE-Southwest Program. Drive is a program for 18 to 24 year old young people who need a license for work or school and are ready to work towards their future
For the August 17, 2020 program, priority will be given to 18 – 24 year old residents of Southwest Neighborhoods: Meadowwood, McKenna, Park Edge/Park Ridge and Theresa Terrace.
To apply, please visit our website at Application deadline is, Friday August 7.
Just last week I got added to a distribution list for the committee, but it looks like this could be their last meeting? Here’s the info that was sent for tomorrow’s meeting. Their proposals are on the CCEC agenda for Tuesday.
Register to speak or observe here
Bike Week and Love to Ride Cycle September
This year’s Bike Week has been rescheduled for September 12-20. More information coming soon! And don’t forget to sign up for the Love to Ride Cycle September challenge and invite your friends and co-workers to join you.
- Voices of the Youth Ride & Grub on Sat, Aug 1 in the afternoon – This ride is starting at Brittingham Park and includes walking and biking. The bike route will go around the bay of Lake Monona. Please remember that if you are riding in this area that you should yield to the slower riders and walkers and it may be necessary to wait for the group and not pass at all. There will be youth, families, new riders and experienced so please do your part to ensure that they have a positive experience.
- State Street Streatery – Starting Fri, July 3 and lasting through Aug 23, State Street will become a Streaterey on weekends. The street will be shut down to vehicles including buses on weekends to allow restaurant seating and outdoor retail sales. If you are biking through the area use caution as businesses work out how to best set up their space and pedestrians get use to this new street format. Press Release
- Dane County Farmer’s Market – The market has moved to Willow Island at the Alliant Energy Center and will be open Wednesdays and Saturdays. Expect higher than normal traffic on the paths in the area on these days. More Information
- Transportation Policy and Planning Board on August 3 at 5pm. The Wilson Street Corridor Study is on the agenda for approval consideration. Meeting Information
- E Wilson St – Emergency repairs have closed one lane from Blair St and King St. Use caution.
- Arboretum Dr Reopened to Motor Vehicles – The UW has reopened Arboretum Dr to motor vehicles.
- Anderson St – Work has started between Wright St and Stoughton Rd. This project includes a new bike facility. More Info
- Cottage Grove Rd from the Interstate to Sprecher Rd – Traffic lanes have shifted o the new pavement on the south side of the street which includes a bike lane for outbound direction only. Project Information
- Schroeder Rd near Struck St – The McKenna Flood Mitigation project has moved into Phase 2 on Schroeder Rd. The Greentree-Chapel Hill Path will remain closed and at Schroeder Rd bicycles will be detoured to Rayovac Dr to reach Struck St. Please follow the marked bicycle detour. Project Information
- Johnson St – ATC is doing work on Johnson St between Blount St and Pak St related to the substation and are working at manholes throughout this area with short closures required where work is happening.
- Badger State Trail and Seminole Hwy at McKee Rd – The Badger State Trail in Fitchburg closed Mon, April 27 to begin construction of a bridge over the road. Seminole Hwy will remain open but only one travel lane in each direction with no bike lane. The City of Fitchburg asks bicyclists on Seminole Hwy to follow the marked bicycle detour. More Information and Detour Map
- Gregory St – This reconstruction project has started and is expected to last until October. Project Information
- Toepfer, Holly, Euclid, St Clair – Work has started and the road is closed except for resident access.
- Fish Hatchery Rd Reconstruction – Work is happening in the section in the City of Fitchburg. Detour at the Cannonball Path north of the beltline if traveling south from Madison. Project Information
- West Towne Path extension and underpass of Gammon Rd – Avoid travel on Gammon Rd near the Beltline and West Towne Mall if possible. Access to the mall is being maintained in this area but it will be easier to use Mineral Point Rd entrances. Project Information
- UW Arboretum Curtis Pond Rehabilitation – Work is going on near the west entrance to the arboretum across from the Curtis Pond. New stop signs have been installed and trucks will be using the road. Please follow any signage or workers. Watch for gravel in the road.
From Capital Neighborhoods listserve.
- Please be advised that Todd Mosher will be filing a demolition permit application on July 29, 2020 for Plan Commission review that calls for a Commercial located at 53 West Towne Mall Madison, WI 53719 to be demolished. For more information regarding this forthcoming application, you may contact the applicant, Todd Mosher, raSmith, 1245 E. Diehl Road Suite 102 Naperville, IL 60563 at or (847)682-9421.Applicant’s Comments:
Demolition of the former Sears Auto Center at West Towne Mall, to clear the site and prep for a new commercial building. - Please be advised that Mark Binkowski will be filing a demolition permit application on August 12, 2020 for Plan Commission review that calls for a commercial building located at 5 N Pinckney St Madison, WI 53703 to be demolished. For more information regarding this forthcoming application, you may contact the applicant, Mark Binkowski, Urban Land Interests, 10 E Doty St Ste 300 Madison, WI 53703 at or (608)268-7023.
- Please be advised that Mark Binkowski will be filing a demolition permit application on August 12, 2020 for Plan Commission review that calls for a commercial building located at 120 E Washington Ave Madison, WI 53703 to be demolished. For more information regarding this forthcoming application, you may contact the applicant, Mark Binkowski, Urban Land Interests, 10 E Doty St Ste 300 Madison, WI 53703 at or (608)268-7023.
- Please be advised that Mark Binkowski will be filing a demolition permit application on August 12, 2020 for Plan Commission review that calls for a abandoned bank drive up located at 22 N Webster St Madison, WI 53703 to be demolished. For more information regarding this forthcoming application, you may contact the applicant, Mark Binkowski, Urban Land Interests, 10 E Doty St Ste 300 Madison, WI 53703 at or (608)235-5230.
- Please be advised that Mark Binkowski will be filing a demolition permit application on August 12, 2020 for Plan Commission review that calls for a commercial building located at 7 N Pinckney St Madison, WI 53703 to be demolished. For more information regarding this forthcoming application, you may contact the applicant, Mark Binkowski, Urban Land Interests, 10 E Doty St, Ste 300 Madison, WI 53703 at or (608)268-7023.
- Please be advised that Mark Binkowski will be filing a demolition permit application on August 12, 2020 for Plan Commission review that calls for a commercial building located at 15 N Pinckney St Madison, WI 53703 to be demolished. For more information regarding this forthcoming application, you may contact the applicant, Mark Binkowski, Urban Land Interests, 10 E Doty St Ste 300 Madison, WI 53703 at or (608)268-7023.
- Please be advised that Mark Binkowski will be filing a demolition permit application on August 12, 2020 for Plan Commission review that calls for a commercial building located at 19 N Pinckney St Madison, WI 53703 to be demolished. For more information regarding this forthcoming application, you may contact the applicant, Mark Binkowski, Urban Land Interests, 10 E Doty St Ste 300 Madison, WI 53703 at or (608)268-7023.
Rider Updates
July 29, 2020 Increased Service Plan Due to budget constraints and staffing limitations, Metro is not able to return to the same level of service that was provided earlier in the year. However, as businesses and college campuses make plans to open in the fall, Metro must increase its current service level to accommodate as many riders as possible while its reduced bus capacity limits are still in effect. Service will be increased to better serve low-income riders and people of color. Capacity is also being added in the downtown area and core sections of the system, with buses running more frequently to allow people more options to travel during rush hour times. Service Details for August 23, 2020 Draft schedules and updated Google Map trip planning data are expected to be available in early August. |
Public Health
- Good News: Seeing fewer new cases per day. Only 22 new cases. As if Friday, Dane County is 1 of 3 that could make this claim.
- Percent positivity rates on the dashboard have been updated. We are around 1.4% on this metric. This is a welcomed sign.
- Continuing to work with guard at the Alliant Energy and still waiting on approval about extension. Still working on community testing and contract tracing.
- Forward Dane Plan: Had a phase approach initially – working on a linear path to re-open. Expected setbacks – spike in the last two weeks was a setback. Made changes to orders to address issues as they arise. This makes it difficult to do a phased approach. Plan now uses the data to make decision on what parts of the order can be relaxed and what restrictions are needed to stay in places and keep control of the virus spreading. The Forward Dane Plan no longer talks about phases. Focus is on what is learned from the data.
Value in schools doing a deep cleaning read an article that says it is a waste of resources?
Response: If known exposure, it (deep cleaning) is valuable. If doing without known exposure, could be cleaning for cleaning sake. PH did not read the article so is not sure what the context of the article.
- Follow up to come
- Next up date Monday, August 3, 2020
Have a great week.
Theola Carter – Manager of Policy and Program Improvement
The Tamara D. Grigsby Office for Equity and Inclusion (OEI) Department
Water Main Flushing plans beginning Monday, August 3rd (all flushing is daytime unless otherwise noted)
Run ID Run Description
11100.1 Portland Pkwy (Dempsey to Milwaukee)
11100.2 diamond dr(from portland pkwy to 4525 diamond dr)
11101 stoughton rd-robertson rd-atlas av(portland pkwy to neptune ct)
11102 atlas av(neptune ct to 801 atlas av)
11103 robertson rd-argosy ct(atlas av to tasman st)
11104 neptune ct (atlas av to argosy ct)
11105 neptune ct-tasman st-argosy ct(atlas av to argosy ct)
11107 portland pkwy-s walbridge av(belmont rd to diamond dr)
11108 diamond dr-portland pkwy-portland cir
11109 portland pkwy-portland cir
11110 belmont rd (portland pkwy to diamond dr)
11111 belmont cir-belmont rd (diamond dr)
11112 milwaukee st-stoughton rd (portland pkwy to diamond dr)
11113 belmont rd-milwaukee st-s walbridge av(portland pkwy to portland pkwy)
11114 n walbridge av(milwaukee st to westwood ct)
11117 parkwood la (north of westwood ct)
11118 westwood ct
11120 Commercial Av(between Walsh Rd & Ziegler Rd) Parkwood La
11121 Milwaukee St (from 4421 to 4621 Milwaukee St)
11122 Milwaukee St-Swanton Rd (from 4417 Milwaukee St to Boynton Pl)
11123 Swanton Rd (Between Boynton Pl & N Thompson Dr)
11124 Milo Ln(from Milwaukee St to Hamlet Cir) Hamlet Cir
11125 Boynton Pl-Milo Ln-Hamlet Cir(Milo Ln between Boynton Pl & Hamlet Cir)
11126 Hamlet Pl (between Swanton Rd & Milo Ln) Hamlet Cir
11127 Easley Ln-Milo Ln(Between Easley Ln & Hamlet Pl) Hamlet Cir
11128 Levine Ct-Stein Av(Easley Ln)
11129 Levine Ct-Stein Av-Swanton Rd (North of 240 Swanton)
11130 Sinykin Cir
Run ID Run Description
6036 Allen St (Regent to University)
6037 Walnut St – Chamberlain Ave (Univ to Elm)
6038 Ash St – Chamberlain Ave (Van Hise to Elm)
6039 Elm St – Chamberlain Ave (Van Hise to Ash)
6040.1 Prospect Ave – Ely Pl (Bascom Pl to Summit)
6040.2 Bascom St-Forest St (Bascom to Chamberlain)
6041 Roby Rd (Van Hise to Prospect)
6043 Viginia Ter (Regent to Gregory)
6044 Rowley Ave (Virginia to Spooner)
6045 Allen St (Regent to Eton Ridge)
6046 Prospect Ave – Hollister Ave (Regent to Allen)
6047 Commonwealth – Hollister (Rowley to Allen)
6048 Commonwealth – Rugby Row (Hollister to Vista)
6049 Commonwealth Ave (Rugby Row to Keyes)
6050 Hollister Ave (Virginia to Prospect)
6051 Eton Ridge (Virginia to Allen)
6052 Vista Rd (Eton Ridge to Rugby Row)
6053 Rugby Row (Virginia to Commonwealth)
6054 Hillington Wy – Hillington Green – Norwood Pl
6055 Hillington Wy – Norwood Pl (Hillington Green to Virginia)
Run ID Run Description
12227 Whitney (Regent to Langlois), Lanlois (Whit. To Merrill Crest)
12228 Whitney (Door to Old Middleton)
12229 Whitney (Langlois to Wynnwood)
12230 South Hill (Whitney to Racine)
12231 Marinette (South Hill to Shawano) AND Shawano (Marinette to Racine)
12232 Marinette/Manitowoc (Shawano to Racine)
12233 Pepin/Racine (Marinette to Mineral Point)
12234 Marinette (South Hill to Marathon) AND Marathon (Marinette to Whitney)
12235 Manitowoc (Racine to Cheyenne) AND Cheyenne (Manitowoc to the end)
12236 South Hill (Racine to Marathon) AND Marathon (S. Hill to Juneau)
12237 South Hill (Marathon to LaCrosse), LaCrosse (S. Hill to Kewaunee), Kewaunee Ct.
12238 LaCrosse (Kewaunee to Eau Claire)
12239 Marathon (Marinette to Juneau) AND Juneau (Marathon to Eau Claire)
12240 S Eau Clair Av (Juneau Rd – Regent St)
12241 S Segoe Rd – Marathon Dr – Ashland Ct
12242 Marathon Dr – South Hill Dr Walworth Ct
12243 Segoe Rd – South Hill Dr – Walworth Ct
12244 S Segoe Rd – South Hill to Waukesha
12245 S Segoe Rd – St Croix Ln – Gregg Rd – Orchard Dr – Robin Cir
12246 Robin Cir – Orchard Dr
12247 Gregg Rd – Robin Pkwy
12248 Gregg Rd – Hillcrest Dr
12249 S Midvale Blvd – Hillcrest Dr – Gregg Rd
12250 Merlham Dr From Hillcrest to Christopher Ct
12251 Midvale Blvd From Hillcrest to Merlham
12252 Segoe Rd From St Croix Ln to Oconto Ct
12253 S Segoe Rd (East Side) From Oconto Ct to Regent St
12254 S Segoe Rd (West Side) From Waukesha St to Regent St
Run ID Run Description
28054 Burnt Sienna Dr north of Elderberry Rd
28055 Straw Harvest Ln – Elderberry Rd to Autumn Breeze Rd
28056 Autumn Breeze Rd
28057 Bronze Leaf Ln
28059 Shining Willow St
28060 Dragon Willow Ln and White Fox Ln to the east
28061 Shining Willow Ct
28062 Big Stone Trl – Old Sauk Rd to Autumn Breeze Rd
28063 Peach Leaf Ln
28065 White Fox Ln west of Burnt Sienna Dr
28066 N Sugar Maple Ln south of White Fox Ln
28067 Schewe Rd north of White Fox
28068 Jagged Pine Dr
28069 Ivory Dove Trl
28070 Silent Wind Rd
28071 Sister Oak Dr
28072 Tawny Elm Pkwy
28073 Hollow Aspen Ln
28074 Lush Woods Trl
28075 Twany Elm Pkwa north of White Fox Ln
28076 Rustic Rise Way north of White Fox
28077 Rustic Rise Way south of White Fox
26118 South Point Rd
26119 Briar Haven Dr from South Point Rd
26119.2 Silicon Prairie Pkwy east of South Point Rd
26120 Pine Lawn Pky-Silicon Prairie to Harvest Moon
26121 Cross Oak Dr and Fortunate Pl
26122.1 Golden Hue Blvd (north)
26122.2 Golden Hue Blvd (south)
26122.3 Vista Meadow Dr
26123 Silicon Prairie Pky-Yard Dr from South Point Rd
26124 Yard Dr from Silicon Prairie Pky
26125 Veritas Dr- North of Brader Way from Silicon Prairie Pky
26126 Bear Claw Way – Elderberry Rd to Mineral Point Rd
26126.1 Wilrich St east of Bear Claw Way
26126.2 Wilrich St west of Bear Claw Way
26126.3 Paragon St
26126.5 Chaska Dr
26127 Brader Way from Bear Claw Way
26501 Sugar Maple Ln north of Silicon Prairie
26502 Sugar Maple Ln south of Silicon Prairie
26503 Shady Birch Trl
26504 Arbor Mist Pass and Windy Peak Rd
26505 Blue Moon Dr
26506 Meandering Way east of Sugar Maple
26507 Rustling Birch east of Sugar Maple
26508 Meandering Way west of Sugar Maple
26510 Sunshine Ln
26511 Blooming Leaf Way
26521 Harvest Moon Ln east of South Point Rd
26522 Stone Arbor Trl
26523 Feather Sound Dr
26524 Sleepy Pond Way
26525 Roman Mist Way
26526 Honey Elm Ln
26527 Highland Gate Way
26528 South Point Rd – Harvest Moon Ln to Valley View Rd
26530 Harvest Moon – Quiet Pond – Gilded Cider
26531 Watts Rd west of South Point Rd

Beach AlertWater quality monitoring occurs until Labor Day. Observe water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algal blooms. Per Public Health orders, a group gathering cannot be larger than 25 people (with distancing).
Beach | Status | Message | ||||
BB Clarke | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/28/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 83°F . Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Bernies | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/27/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 80°F . Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Brittingham | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/27/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 80°F . Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Esther | Closed | The beach is closed for swimming due to elevated levels of bacteria tested on 7/30/2020. The beach will reopen when bacteria levels are acceptable.
Frost Woods | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/30/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 80°F . Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Goodland County Park | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/28/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 79°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Hudson Park Lake Access Point | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/29/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 71°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
James Madison | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/27/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 80°F . Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Lake Mendota County Park | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/28/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 81°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Maple Bluff Beach Park | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/27/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 81°F . Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Marshall | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/30/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 81°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
McDaniel Park | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/29/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 80°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Memorial Union (Pier) | Closed | In response to COVID-19, Memorial Union Terrace and Memorial Union Swimming Pier are closed indefinitely by order of The University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Olbrich | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/30/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 80°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Olin | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/29/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 86°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Schluter | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/30/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 81°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Spring Harbor | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/30/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 80°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Stewart County Park | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/30/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 76°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Tenney | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/27/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 79°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Verona Fireman’s Park | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/29/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 83°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Vilas | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/30/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 82°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.
Warner | Open | Public Health Madison & Dane County tested bacteria levels and checked for algae blooms on 7/27/2020. The results were acceptable. The shallow near-shore temperature was 81°F. Even though the results were acceptable at the time of monitoring, algae levels can change quickly depending on waves and wind. Always take a look at water conditions before you or your pet enter the water and avoid contact with algae blooms.