Rules for Tonight’s Council Meeting!

This was LONG overdue and crappy to put out right 5 hours before the meeting with no notice to the public. But I didn’t really expect anything better from this council leadership. Sad times we’re living in folks! Anyone want to run for Council?

From: Veldran, Lisa
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 1:01 PM
Cc: Cieslewicz, Dave; Piraino, Janet; Plant, Joel; Strauch-Nelson, Rachel; Dept Division Heads; Berg, Elena; ‘’; ‘’; “Fred Mohs” ; Ruckriegel, Ed; ‘Alwin, Steve’; Fiore, Anthony;; Chris Murphy (TCT); Dean Mosiman (WSJ); Kristin Czubkowski;;;;;; WKOW News; WSJ City Desk
Subject: Common Council Meeting Tonight (5/18/10)

Council Leadership and the Mayor have developed guidelines for tonight’s Common Council meeting in order to provide a safe and orderly environment and ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to speak.

Please see the attached memo for more details.

If you have any questions please contact Ald. Mark Clear, Common Council President, at 695-5709 or

Thank you.

Lisa Veldran, Administrative Assistant
Madison Common Council Office

Here’s the memo, there is 5 minutes on CUP, PUD and Landmarks. Three minutes for TIF, 3 minutes for 1965 Ordinance. And they mean it! They’ll turn your mic off if you don’t stop. I’ve never seen that before.

TO: Common Council Members
FROM: Ald. Mark Clear, Council President
Ald. Lauren Cnare, Council President Pro Tem
Mayor Dave Cieslewicz

SUBJECT: May 18, 2010 Common Council Meeting
We are expecting a large number of registrants at tonight’s meeting. To provide a safe and orderly environment and ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to speak, the Common Council will be using the following guidelines:

1. The three public hearing items (3, 5 and 6) will be combined into one hearing.
a. The appellants (Mohs et. al, on item 5, Hammes/Landmark X on item 6) will each be given 30 minutes to make their case on all three items.
b. All other registrants may speak for five minutes. They may address any or all of the items during their allotted time.

2. Items 22 (TIF) and 64 (Vacation) will be considered normally and registrants may speak for three minutes on each of these items when they are taken up.
The chair will call several names in advance. Speakers should be ready AT THE OPPOSITE PODIUM to the current speaker so that they can start as soon as the previous speaker has finished.

Time limits will be strictly enforced. When the timer rings, the microphone will be turned off and the current speaker should yield to the next speaker.

The Common Council Chambers has a limited seating capacity and will be restricted to alders, staff, news media and 86 SPEAKING citizens in the galleries at any one time. Extra chairs will not be set-up per the Madison Fire Department. (Room 201 capacity: 175)

Registrant overflow will be directed to Room 309, City-County Building (3rd floor) where a television will be set up for the public to view the Common Council proceedings (Room 309 capacity: 99)

Madison Police and Fire Department personnel will be on hand to ensure a safe and orderly environment for all those attending the Common Council meeting tonight.

I got my press pass ready, in case they plan to make me leave! 🙂


  1. Brenda–

    It turns out I can't be there tonight, but I am sure you will. It sounds exciting, but I have no stomach for sitting in a little room on the side watching the proceedings on TV! Of course, I could be one of the 86 speakers if I got there in time, but I think I will let this exercise in democracy pass with just my letter to represent my views. Mark Clear and others must have received it and with luck noted it by now. Thanks for representing us even though not the alder right now. May true democracy prevail tonight.


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