School Week Ahead

There is no attachment in the “library” under legal notice for this week. So, the only meetings listed here are the ones under “featured” and “meetings” (which are not the same)

Monday, March 7
5:00 Instruction Work Group, Doyle Administration Building, 545 West Dayton Street, Room 103
Mental Health update
Special Education Plan Update

5:00 Special Board of Education Meeting in Closed Session, Doyle Administration Building, 545 West Dayton Street, Room 103
– Review and Receipt of Advice from Counsel regarding Disciplinary Proceedings and Decisions involving Individual Students pursuant to Wis. Stat. Secs. 19.85(1)(a), (f), and (g); 118.125; and/or 120.13(1)(e)l

Wednesday, March 9th
5:00 City of Madison Education Committee, 215 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, Room LL-130 (Madison Municipal Building)
– Madison Out-of-School Time (MOST) Update
– Update: MMSD Behavior Education Plan Community Meeting–Anna Moffit
– Educational Resource Officer/Behavior Education Plan Presentations
– Educational Resource Officer/Behavior Discussion
Madison Metropolitan School District/Municipal Court Truancy Report
Community Schools-Update and Letter to Superintendent


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