Scott McDonell: How would Dane County Be Different?

Question One: If elected, at this time next year, what are three things that would be different about Dane County as a result of your actions?

Right now Scott Walker’s agenda clearly favors the rich and powerful. That’s why now more than ever we need progressive leadership to stand up for the rest of us. In this political climate, our values are at risk and they need to be defended – a year from now you will see me defending what makes Dane County special. So, it’s important to say what won’t be changing – we won’t cut the human services that make our community great and we won’t cut the Conservation Fund that protects our natural resources.

Two more specific differences will be:

I will introduce a clean energy revolving loan fund that will allow homeowners to make renewable or energy efficiency investments in their home. By leveraging the equity in their own home, Dane County residents and business owners will not have to come up with the sizable financial commitment that is needed to make these improvements.

We will also have to dust off the county’s domestic partner registry, since it seems clear that Scott Walker and his allies in the legislature want to roll back domestic partner rights. Here in Dane County I created the first domestic partner registry in the state. One of the proudest moments of my time in county service was when my friends Tamara and Renee were one of the first couples to sign up for that registry. I will fight to ensure that Tamara and Renee are able to keep the rights we worked so hard to provide them.


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