Scott McDonell: Which Eileen Bruskewitz would we get?

If she won the election, which Eileen Bruskewitz would we get?

For the past 12 years I have watched conservative Dane County Supervisor Eileen Bruskewitz on the Dane County Board. It has been interesting to watch Supervisor Bruskewitz talk about her vision for Dane County on the campaign trail as a candidate for Dane County Executive and compare it her actual record.

On the campaign trail, Candidate Bruskewitz claims to be a fiscal conservative. But Supervisor Bruskewitz voted to approve a costly and unnecessary $60 million jail expansion at a time when the county was strapped for cash, rather than use those resources to help those with alcohol and drug addictions turn their lives around, reducing recidivism and saving money in the long-term.

On the campaign trail, Candidate Bruskewitz claims to care about the environment. But on the county board, she took a vote against a historic county-wide ban on phosphorus in fertilizers aimed at protecting the health of our lakes, rivers, and the quality of our drinking water. Phosphorus is the primary cause of lake pollution that feeds algae blooms and lake weeds every summer. She also supports Governor Walker’s budget proposal that would remove a similar phosphorus ban that is currently in effect state-wide, a law that protects lakes and waterways across Wisconsin.

Candidate Bruskewitz also claims that she will work for all working families. But again, her record as a County Board Supervisor tells a different story. Last month, when Governor Scott Walker began his official assault on the rights of workers, Supervisor Bruskewitz voted against a county resolution supporting the concept of collective bargaining and the rights of workers.

So which Eileen Bruskewitz will we get if she becomes the next Dane County Executive? I have always believed in trusting actions over words I ask you to join me in voting for Joe Parisi for Dane County Executive on April 5th because we need someone who will look out for those who are most vulnerable, will be a steward of the environment, and stand up against Scott Walker’s right wing attack on working families.

Scott McDonell
Chair, Dane County Board of Supervisors


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