Scott Walker Just Cut Your Pay

If your in education!

Cross Posted @bloggingblue:

I wrote earlier about Scott Walker's latest attack on teachers. This morning Katy Lounsbury was on SLY explaining this in further detail:

The rule redefines base wages for public employees as something other than what a teacher makes right now. No performance pay, overtime premium pay, reimbursement or assistance for furthering education, and when you add it all together, it amounts to Wisconsin teachers are about to take a 30% on-average pay cut. Act 10 redefined base wages as what the lowest educated and experienced staffer of your district is earning. Even though Act 10 left salaries as the only thing on the bargaining table, Scott Walker is putting everybody on the bottom rung. Oh yeah – that average 30% wage chop is on top of the average $500 per month increase in benefit costs. It is critical that you tell your friends that are teachers to listen to this podcast, since they were handling their underfunded classes during this interview.

Please make sure that everyone you know who supports public education listens to this clip:

Full clip can be heard here!


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