Search Reopened for Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development

Looks like Olinger could be around a little while longer.

From: Mayor
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 12:48 PM
To: ALL ALDERS; Dept Division Heads
Subject: Director of the Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development

Dear Alders, Department and Division Heads:

I wanted to let you know that, despite a well-run recruitment process, we were unable to identify a successful candidate for the position of Director of the Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development.  The Oral Board interviewed 3 candidates, but concluded they could not forward a candidate for consideration.  While I share any concerns regarding the need to complete this recruitment process promptly, I think it is more important that we find the right candidate for the position.

Our Human Resources Department will start advertising for this position again in the coming days.  I encourage you to join me in an effort to reach out through all our professional networks to encourage qualified candidates to apply for this important position.  Thank you.




  1. So this is CDA? (hard to know for sure from the title given) Any idea what happened to the woman that had been mentioned previously?

  2. That was for CDA Executive Director, this is for the other part of his job as the Director of the Department of Planning and Community and Economic Development. They are splitting those jobs.


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