Sights and Sounds from Day Two, Political Rallies (More Updates)

REPOSTED DUE TO MAJOR VIDEO UPDATES: Ok, vote first, then make your way to the Capitol or the Orpheum. Here’s some bits and pieces and I’ll add the video as I get it done. Monday video here. Wednesday video here. Thursday, the WYOU family and friends will be back out on the streets capturing this historic moment . . . and Friday . . . and Saturday . . . .

I went up to the capitol from about 11 – 1 today, got about an hour of video, and should have some good footage to share, still capturing the tape, but it looks better than I thought. I will put up clips as soon as I can, as well as other footage from WYOU and other folks out there. It’s really nutty up there, I suggest you stop by. The hearings are going on, and when I felt there were plenty of people still around. I honestly don’t think it matter when you are there, there will be plenty of people there! There’s a candelight vigil tonight with speakers at 6:30 and and event at the Orpheum with a panel discussion at 7:00 with speak-outs before and after. And rallies again tomorrow at noon, but I suggest you get there early.

So, the next stuff I post will just be an on-going post of comments and audio and video from the rally. As much as I can . . .


Democracy is at work at the state Capitol this morning, where thousands of Wisconsin residents have turned out to tell Governor Scott Walker that we will not accept the governor’s extreme, anti-union bill. Statements issued by some Republicans saying they have the votes to make the bill pass are untrue and, what’s more, are a blatant affront on the democratic hearing currently underway. We are within one vote of killing the bill. The proposal to do this to working families is clearly hard for Democrat and Republican senators alike to swallow. We need everyone to come to the Capitol today to have their voice heard.

Even Senator Mike Ellis, R-Neenah, said he wished there were an alternative to this bill. “We didn’t set this menu,” he told the Associated Press. “The governor did.” We are calling on Ellis and other Republicans to demand that alternative.

And we are calling on all working people of Wisconsin to come to the Capitol to have their voice heard.

Before the interview he asked how this was going to work, I said I’d figure it out, this is what we were able to do . . .

More to come! Check back and feel free to send me things you think I should add.

I ran into Peng Her leaving the capitol, he was was on his way back to work, but he was up there talking to elected officials and has an important message for us – while at the rally, or before you go or when you get home, call the elected officials and people you know in their districts!!!

Dear friends,
As many of you know I can get pretty political. The past couple of days have really gotten me upset. Under the shroud of “balancing the budget” Gov. Walker has declared war on our Democracy in which all people, through consensus, direct referendum or elected representatives make the decisions on which affect us. The Budget Bill is not about if you are pro Union or not, pro BadgerCare or not, or pro education or not. Its an assault on our Democracy.

Walker has dictatorially decided WI will no longer negotiate, will no longer support the working class, will no longer allow elected officials to make the decisions about healthcare but rather give the authority to Dept. of Health Services who aren’t elected officials.

Due to the Republican control of the Assembly, Senate, and Governor we have little recourse. However, the Senate needs 17 out of the 19 Republican Senators to support the Bill. If we can persuade 3 or 4 of the Republican Senators to not support the Bill we have a chance to kill it.

There are four who are on the fence about supporting the Bill we need to target. If you have relatives or friends living in their district please tell them to call their State Senator to not support the Bill. You can also call or email them yourself.

Luther Olson (Dist 14, Ripon area). (608) 266-0751,

Dale Schulz (Dist 17, Barabbo area) (608) 266-0703 or (800) 978-8008,

Dan Kapanke (Dist 32, La Crosse area) (608) 266-5490 or
(800) 385-3385,

Randy Hopper (Dist 18 Fond du Lac area) (608) 266-5300

Thank you
In solidarity,
Peng Her

This is more Konkel video.

This is some of the stuff we got edited, more coming in the weeks to come . . . and tomorrow!

From Luciano:

Union Rights Rally day2 from luciano M on Vimeo.

Haven’t gotten to a bunch of my video and Fred’s and Tony’s video, and Jorge will have a link soon, so there is more coming.

ALERT: WISCONSIN CAPITOL “SLEEP IN”: This is not an act of civil disobedience rather this is a show of solidarity with fellow students, faculty, staff, and workers who are testifying at the Joint Finance Committee and we need additional folks to testify, bring your homework, pillows and blankets and meet at the Capitol TONIGHT! This is an upgrade to spending the night with College Library!

From Jorge:

Tony: Ken Lonnquist

Tony: Lena Taylor Inspires!

Tony: Teachers Union Songs

Brenda: Chants and Music from Tuesday

There’s more, I have some more video I’m working on, Tony has some more good stuff and I haven’t gotten to Fred’s tape yet. If you have something you want to submit, please do!



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