Sights and Sounds from #Justice4Tony

I missed the first evening, but I have video from Saturday, Sunday and Monday. More video coming, including the awesome testimony at the Police and Fire Commission, plus, upcoming events to know about, including cancelled ones for tonight??

Saturday morning, Young Gifted and Black Briefing

Objections to the Media throughout the day

Tense Moments on Willy St.
This video is somewhat graphic (close your eyes when you get the warning if you don’t want to see it), but the way the crowd handled it, was so . . . Madison peaceful protester of them! 🙂

Parts of the Vigil
Not the most powerful ones, I just put down my camera and took it in at some point.

Friends shut down East Washington
After the vigil, Tony’s friends take it to the streets!

Discussion with a police officer after the march
Still need to edit . . .

My favorite clip of the day
This gives you hope, and makes you sad at the same time.

Sights and Sounds from Student Walk Out

Police and Fire Commission Testimony
2 hours of powerful stuff, trying to figure out what the best way to handle that is. I think video clips of the most powerful testimony and audio of the rest, however, they put fans in the very hot room and we’ll need to see how that turned out. That won’t be til tomorrow.

Tonight there are/would have been, still might be a protest? And people still plan to testify . . . .
Rally was planned for 4:30 in front of the City-County
. Public Protection and Judiciary (5:15) and Health and Human Needs (5:45) on the 3rd floor of the City-County Building have taken the item off their agendas:

Members of MOSES,

We have been informed that, in deference to mourning in the community for
Tony Robinson, one of the co-sponsors of Resolution 556 requested that consideration of of Resolution 556 be removed from the agendas of the PP&J and HHN committee meetings scheduled for later today, Tuesday, Mar. 10.

The item has been removed and will be scheduled for a future meeting. The MOSES Jail Task Force will inform us of when Resolution 556 will be considered by these committees.

Susan Millar (Secretary)

YBG plans to press on:

Yes, there is still a rally at 4:30 and testimony at PP&J and HHN. We need people to come out and call for the long-term planning/building of a new/remodelled jail off the table. We can link it to the death of Tony Robinson to show how his death is a symptom of the racism in incarceration and over policing.

Rally at 3:00 at the Department of Corrections, 3099 E. Washington Ave.

YGB debate with Sheriff David Mahoney, 7pm, Elvehjem (800 University Ave.)


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