Soglin Campaign Outraises Cieslewicz, Diverse Supporters

I’m surprised the fundraising is so lopsided.

A Great Five Weeks: Soglin raises $65,000 and builds list of 175 supporters since announcing run for Mayor in late December

Soglin for Mayor has raised $65,000 in only five weeks and has a growing list of 175 diverse supporters. Paul Soglin announced his candidacy for Madison mayor on December 22, 2010.

Soglin’s endorsers come from all across Madison and across the political spectrum and include elected officials, neighborhood activists, community leaders, business people, realtors, developers and labor leaders. The list includes: Representative Terese Berceau; School Board members Arlene Silveria and Lucy Mathiak; Dane County Supervisors Melissa Sargent, John Hendrick, Al Matano and Dianne Hesselbein; community leaders Milele Chikasa Anana and Gladis Benavides; progressive stalwarts Ben Manski, Brenda Konkel, Andy Heidt, and Bert Zipperer; former school board members Juan Jose Lopez, Deborah Lawson and Carol Carstensen; business leaders Sharon Chamberlain, Fred Mohs, Loren Mortenson; realtors Rick Lyngaas, Bill Kessler, Troy Thiel and developers Joe Krupp, Dave Keller, Chris Houden and Gary Gorman. The complete list is available at

“There is a great deal of energy and excitement about Paul Soglin being Madison’s next Mayor,” said Melissa Mulliken, Soglin’s campiaign manager. “Madisonians are optimistic about this City’s future but they recognize we face big challenges. They want someone with Paul’s track record of success and his vision for the future to get us working together and moving forward again.”

The campaign will launch a city-wide “get-out-the-vote” effort over the next two weeks leading up to the February 15 primary. “We have lit-drops planned for the next two weekends as well as phoning and other outreach,” Mulliken said. “We have a great organization that has come together in a very short time.”


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