Soglin Fighting for One-Way Johnson and Gorham

Over neighborhood objections.

From: Soglin, Paul
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 11:59 AM
To: [plan commission members, ped, bike motor vehicle members]; ALL ALDERS
Cc: Murphy, Brad; Dryer, David; Monks, Anne
Subject: Johnson and Gorham Streets Consultant Report

I would like to express my strong support for Resolution ID 25669, as originally introduced without the proposed amendment that would postpone a decision and make the study of Johnson and Gorham as two way streets part of the Transportation Master Plan. The recently-completed study of the Johnson Street/Gorham Street corridor makes it clear that the best solution for future operations of those streets is a one-way pair. The study – which cost approximately $70,000 – considered numerous issues pertaining to the street design, including substantial outreach to neighborhood residents, and it looked at a range of operational alternatives.

Please carefully consider the study report. I urge your support of the resolution as originally introduced.

Thank you,

Paul R. Soglin
City of Madison
210 MLK Jr. Blvd
Madison, WI 53703
Office: 608-266-4611

Hmmm, I can’t tell if this is just becoming a Paul vs. Bridget battle, of if he got pressure from Downtown Madison Inc. or if he truly believe this. I disagree, I think the study wasn’t that clear and that there are other options. And that they can still go ahead with the reconstruction on time and not preclude two-way in the future. I really wish Bridget hadn’t rushed this through with little input and that there was more discussion about the study up front. Sigh . . . it will be interesting to see this play out at Board of Estimates and Plan Commission tonight and Ped, Bike, Motor Vehicle Commission tomorrow.



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