Steve Arnold: Help Pave Fitchburg Bus Stops

For 53 cents. This was written yesterday, the meeting is tonight.

The Fitchburg Transportation and Transit Commission (TTC), on which I serve, completed a five-year Transit Plan laying out a road map for transit improvements in the city. Unfortunately, none of the projects recommended by TTC and Public Works staff were incorporated in the Mayor’s proposed budget.

I’m seeking public support for my amendment to fund one of these projects: $5000 to provide paving (“bus pads) at the ten highest priority bus stops that do not already have such paving. The budget will be debated and adopted by the Common Council tomorrow evening, November 9. This amendment is number 8, titled “Fund Concrete Boarding Pads at Bus Stops”. Its description is:

“Fund concrete boarding pads at bus stops at the level requested by Public Works: $5000. These pads are needed to facilitate boarding by riders with impaired mobility, protect all riders in inclement weather, and permit snow to be cleared from bus stops in winter. They should have been installed when the stops were first established. Fund from the tax levy.”

If the project is funded, stops to be paved will be identified by Public Works staff based on current conditions and Madison Metro boarding data. One alder wanted to know which stops would be paved, however, staff time to determine this would not normally (and not in this case) be expended until the project is funded. Boarding pad construction would be part of our 2011 concrete contract (which also includes traffic
islands, sidewalks, curb and gutter, etc.).

The public hearing on the budget was held four weeks ago, before amendments were available, so your best option to influence the Council to contact your alder (contact information at by e-mail today or by phone today or tomorrow. Organizations may write letters of support to be given to Council members at the meeting. Send them as PDF attachments to the Clerk, Linda Cory , and request that they be printed and left at Council members’ places at the meeting tomorrow night.

I see this as an equity issue. People that ride buses are contributing to the community in many ways, by reducing congestion, pollution, and parking demand, and should be encouraged to ride by excellent conditions
at bus stops. Riders with impaired mobility are particularly dependent on proper paving at stops. The $5000 requested is 0.03% of the City’s budget, and would increase the tax levy on the average Fitchburg single
family home (assessed at $265,100) by $0.53.

Let me know if you have any questions on this amendment, or if you know any Fitchburg resident who rides transit and would like to be on my Fitchburg transit users list (Transit@Fitchburg.WI.US). Thank you for
your continuing support!

Steve Arnold, Fitchburg Alder, District 4, Seat 7
2530 Targhee Street, Fitchburg, Wisconsin 53711-5491


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