Teamsters Endorse Wineke

Here’s another one . . .

Teamsters Endorse Wineke for County Executive
Third major union joins growing list of working families supporting Verona Democrat

VERONA – Former State Senator and Wisconsin Democratic Party Chairman Joe Wineke (D-Verona) today announced the endorsement of International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 695 in the race for Dane County Executive. The union represents over 6,000 active and retired members in a wide range of private sector and municipal services across South Central Wisconsin.

“Joe Wineke’s leadership over many years as a supporter of the working men and women of South Central Wisconsin leaves no doubt we need him as County Executive,” said Wayne Schultz, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 695. “We need candidates who will stand up for Wisconsin workers in their pursuit of good-paying jobs, and Joe is that candidate.”

“The Teamsters have fought for working families for many years, and they will be key allies in meeting the challenges ahead,” said Wineke. “I’m proud to have their support in the fight for Dane County’s future.”

A copy of the Teamsters’ official endorsement announcement follows.

Teamsters Local 695 is the third major union to endorse Wineke’s candidacy for County Executive. They join the United Steelworkers and United Brotherhood of Carpenters, who announced their support earlier this week.


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