Tenant Resource Center Opens Office on UW-Madison Campus

That’s right, we now have 4 offices! Our Willy St office, our Housing Help Desk on Aberg Ave. at the Dane County Job Center, our Milwaukee office and now ASM Office on campus!

The Tenant Resource Center (TRC) has been awarded a contract with Associated Students of Madison (ASM) to provide housing counseling services and outreach to UW-Madison students for the upcoming academic year (2011-2012). They will no longer need to rely on STEM and the Apartment Association for information about their rights and responsibilities on campus. In addition to services currently available at TRC’s Williamson Street office, TRC will have an office in the Student Activity Center, ASM Office, Room 4301, 333 East Campus Mall, Madison.

In preparation for the upcoming school year, the office will be available starting Tuesday, May 17, and throughout the summer, with the following schedule: Mondays and Thursdays, 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.; Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Services are provided on a walk-in basis, no appointments necessary.

“I started several years ago as one of TRC’s Campus Coordinators and I am excited to once again be providing valuable information and outreach to UW students,” states Elizabeth Gokey, a Housing Resource Specialist at TRC who will be coordinating campus activities and returning to school in the fall as a graduate student. She continues, “People might not realize that students are only about 15% of the people we serve each year. It’s great to be able to reach out to students and increase that number in the future.”

Tenant Resource Center previously received funding for services to students from 1995-2007, until the eligibility criteria for that funding source changed significantly and TRC was no longer eligible. Due to the loss of funding at that time, TRC had to discontinue outreach targeted specifically to UW students. This year ASM issued an RFP to provide similar services on campus and TRC responded with a successful proposal that was awarded the current contract to resume outreach and services targeted to students and provided directly on campus.


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