Tonight! Seems a little soon for that, given we have no clue what the final building plans will be (or even the preliminary ones) and we don’t know what the process will be to get an operator (or who the operator will be). I wouldn’t know what input to officially give at this point in the process.
Homeless Day Resource Center Steering Committee Meeting – Tuesday,
February 9
Tue, 9-Feb-2016, 7:00 pmNeighbors,
The next Homeless Day Resource Center Steering Committee Meeting will be on Tuesday, February 9, 7:00 – 9:00 at Christ Presbyterian Church. The meeting will be in Fellowship Hall.
Notes and information from the January 20 meeting and additional information is on the Tenney-Lapham web site at: is my hope that we can wrap up our recommendations to the TLNA Council at this next meeting. Additional meetings for the steering committee will be scheduled if needed.
Our thanks to Christ Presbyterian Church for agreeing to host the meeting.
Patty Prime, TLNA President
Here is their working draft with issues and concerns and recommendations.