The County Week Ahead

It’s so hard to know what is of interest, since there are no attachments and its hard to find information about the agenda item . . . but here’s my best educated guess about what is of interest.

Sep 21 9:30 AM Emergency Medical Services Commission Rm. 2107 PSB
– ALS Program Steering Committee

Sep 21 5:00 PM City-County Liaison Committee
This group meets like once a year, looks like this is it! And the topics:
– Building Use Request: Public Health Madison and Dane County to display brochures/posters/sampling kits to promote private well testing in Dane County.
– Building Use Request: Request by Women’s Issues Committee to sell stainless steel water bottles to fundraise during September, and to hold a bake sale in November, in the lobby of the CCB.

Perhaps we now know why the city and county have a rocky relationship!

Sep 21 5:30 PM Public Works & Transportation Committee PW Conf. Rm. 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way
– Nothing earth shattering, just a few projects

Sep 21 5:45 PM Health & Human Needs Committee Rm. 354 CCB
– DCDHS 2011 proposed budget discussion

Sep 22 7:45 AM Cultural Affairs Commission 2623 Monroe St.
– Executive Committee discussion budget/financial situation

Sep 22 4:00 PM Dane County 175th Anniversary Planning Committee 122 W. Washington Ave.
– Confirm plan outline and talk about how to make it happen

Sep 22 5:15 PM Park Commission Rm. 221 LFA
– No agenda

Sep 22 5:45 PM Emergency Medical Services Commission 119 Industrial Dr. Marshall EMS
– Radios discussion and updates

Sep 22 5:45 PM Land Conservation Committee Rm. 208 LFA
– 2010 Dane County Wildlife Damage Abatement Claims Program Budget Amendment and Preliminary Budget
– Erosion Control & Stormwater Management Program Update
– Soil & Water Resource Management Cost Share Agreements and Payments
– Dane County Streambank Protection Program Cost Share Payments, Kittleson Valley and Vermont Creek
– Land and Water Legacy Pollution Control Cost-share Program

Sep 23 9:00 AM Traffic Safety Commission 2302 Fish Hatchery Rd
– Review of Fatality Crashes Since Last Meeting.
– Motorcycle Crashes and possible ideas to improve cycle safety.
– Safe Communities brainstorm and various updates

Sep 23 5:00 PM Specialized Transportation Commission Rm. 351 CCB
– Transportation Portion of HS Dept Budget Request – Final

Sep 23 5:30 PM CDBG Commission 2598 W. Main St., Sun Prairie
– Sun Prairie Professional Building, LLC applicaiton
– CRLF Loan Extension for PLH & Associates
– Review and Update on the RLF and CRLF including: Maunesha River Dairy, Cambridge Stoneware, Imagination Trends, Loan Balances, Response to HUD CRLF Monitoring, other Interest in loan funds
– Review of HUD and County Options for Administering CDBG and HOME Programs and Selecting Sub-Recipients and/or Contractors (What does the Commission want to know when, Timeframe when information is available, Application Process, Next Steps)
– Jobs Creation Focused Subcommittee
– Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and Applications for Handicapped Accessibility, Rental Rehabilitation, and Public Facilities Projects

Sep 24 9:00 AM Public Safety Communications Center Technical Committee Rm. 351 CCB
– Interoperable Voice Radio Communications System
– Warning System Improvement Project – needs assessment input


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