There Are Alternatives to Cutting Routes

The issues with the Transit and Parking Commission’s decision not to raise bus fares seem to get more and more muddied by the day. Here’s a few items of interest that the news seems to be missing:

Apparently, the current line is that the bus fares are going to be reconsidered by the commission, but as far as I know, no commissioner has requested that reconsideration.

I wasn’t at the last meeting, but apparently they did make a series of suggestions for other areas in the budget that could be cut or modified, but they don’t actually have the authority to do it themselves, they can merely suggest it to staff, which they did.

The recent news of route cuts and cutting drivers hours is an attempt to scare people into supporting the fare increases. However, these are just some of the options. Many others were suggested by TPC and the council.

From a previous post, here are some of the alternatives:

We know there was the $235,000 that went into the reserves that can be used, and the $150,000 in extra service plus, if they want to another $100,000 for additional security or at least part of that since they didn’t really get a quote on what that might cost and it is likely to cost less. Not hiring the marketing person will add another $65,000, there’s the $40,000 saved by not doing the Clean Air Action Days free rides and then they are only short $95,000 toward the $685,000. ( I hope I got those numbers right, a few of them were from memory.)

This stuff isn’t new. We have other alternatives and we don’t have to cut service. I hope the TPC stays strong and does not reconsider their decision – they made the right one the first time.


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