Three Important Events This Week

Ok, besides the event at the Labor Temple (see details below) . . . that makes four.

From the Wisconsin Network on Peace and Justice:

Wednesday: Protest Contracting Out on the UW Campus
Background: AFSCME Local 171 is fighting with the operators of the new Wisconsin Institute for Discovery (WID) to stop the privatization of food service jobs at the facility. Members of Local 171 have traditionally staffed food service operations on campus. Those jobs start at about $12 an hour, with health insurance, paid sick leave, a pension and union protections. The decision to contract out food service at the WID means an end to those family-supporting jobs.
Take Action: Join the protest outside the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, 1300 University Ave., on Wednesday Aug. 31, from 5 – 6 pm
Contact for more info: AFSCME Local 171, (608) 232-9393, email contact form here…

Thursday: Madison bus to protest at Ryan’s Janesville office
Background: On September 1, National Nurses United will be leading protests at Congressional offices across the county to build support for a Financial Transaction Tax on Wall Street to repair Main Street and begin restoring economic fairness to our nation. Protests at more than 60 Congressional offices are planned, including at the Janesville office of Congressman Paul Ryan. A tax on Wall Street trading of stocks, bonds, derivatives, currencies, credit default swaps, and futures – the very financial speculative activity linked to the 2008 financial meltdown and resultant recession – could raise hundreds of billions of dollars to pay for the programs that “are desperately needed to reduce the pain and suffering felt by so many families who feel abandoned in communities across this nation,” says NNU Co-President Deborah Burger, RN.
Take Action: Buses will leave Madison: 3:30 pm Thursday from Memorial Union and 4pm from GEF Bldg (at King & Webster St) Rally will be outside Ryan’s office at 5pm, followed by a soup kitchen in a public park a half-block away. Buses return to Madison at approx. 8 pm.
Contact for more info:Jan Rodolfo, RN, JRodolfo@NationalNursesUnited.  510-757-5925

Saturday: WNPJ sending buses to West Allis for anti-Nazi rally
Background: Neo-Nazis are planning a rally in West Allis on Sept. 3, hoping to capitalize on a racially charged incident that took place recently at the Wisconsin State Fair. In response, the people of West Allis and Milwaukee are organizing a massive counter-rally to reject the Nazi message of racism and hate.
Take Action: Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice has arranged for buses from Madison to West Allis.  Buses will leave from the Memorial Union at 10:30 and Dutch Mill Park and Ride at 10:45, and will be back in Madison by 5pm. Bus fare is $15, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Call 608-250-9240 to reserve your seat.
Contact for more info: Steve Burns, Program Director, Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice, 608-250-9240,

And info on the Labor Temple event:

The South Central Federation of Labor invites everyone in the community to celebrate Labor Day, Monday, September 5, from Noon until 5:30 p.m. at the Madison Labor Temple, 1602 South Park St., in Madison.

This year’s LaborFest features a great afternoon of music and dancing, plus the Solidarity Roll Call at 2:15 p.m. There will be lots of attractions for kids and an extensive menu of good food, beer and soft drinks which will be served throughout the event.

Musical entertainment begins at 12:30 p.m. with LaborFest regulars, the Westside Andy / Mel Ford Band. At 3 p.m. Paul Cebar Tomorrow Sound take the stage with some of the best pan-ethnic party music in the Midwest.

Special events for kids will include a bounce house (Noon – 4 p.m.), balloons and face painting (Noon – 3 p.m.), a piñata (at 2:45 p.m.) and performances by Madison magician Scott the Great (at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.)

Menu items include Italian sausages, corn on the cob, and Louisiana-style rice and beans, along with hot dogs, chips, soda and beer.

Admission is free, but attendees are urged to bring a non-food household item (toothpaste, shampoo, paper products, detergent, etc.) for distribution through local food pantries for the growing number of unemployed and underemployed.

So, stop by the Madison Labor Temple on Monday, September 5, to share a day of solidarity and fun for the whole family.


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