Train Station Comments Due TODAY.

Comments are due today. My guess is the decision has been made, but you should try anyways. Here’s Alder Rummel’s comments, fwiw.

Dear Ms Macy-

I am a City of Madison Alder whose district may be home to the station if located at the DOA building. I was able to attend both meetings held by WisDOT June 22 at East High and June 23 at the DOA building. I am submitting my comments about the station.

Originally I preferred the Yahara Station site. Many of my constituents preferred it as well because of the proximity to downtown and as a crossroad between Hwys 151 and 113 and convenient access to Interstates 90/94/39. It definitely could have served as a catalyst to jumpstart economic redevelopment for the Capitol Gateway. It had enough space to add intra and intercity bus connections as well as taxi service and a bike station. It provided space for future amenities such as food and lodging. Unfortunately no Environmental Assessment had been done and that apparently was a key factor in its elimination. I do appreciate that as a result of the work of Yahara Station advocates, the DOT and the Governor looked beyond the airport and were willing to consider Yahara and the three downtown sites.

The two downtown options offer benefits and constraints. No matter which location is chosen, my entire district will have the passenger rail line running through it and so I will be actively working with DOT staff and consultants, District 6 residents and the general public to address corridor management and station issues.

Between the two choices I prefer 101 E Wilson. Recent discussion of the proposed reconstruction of Gov’t East has focused on undergrounding the lot which creates potential synergy with the proposed Madison Public Market and other new uses on the site. The train station could connect to this space and provide a grand entry. Space for bus and taxi stands could be part of a reconstructed parking lot. I also think that Kenton Peters’ idea to locate the station in the Pinckney St right of way has a lot of merit. I know there are complications with access to Monona Terrace, DOA and Bellevue Apts parking areas but I hope you will continue to look at Pinckney St and determine if it is a viable alternative.

Many things will have to be addressed for a downtown location. Here are some of my top concerns:

*The Blair St/E Wilson/John Nolen/Williamson St intersection needs to have left turn lanes for Blair ->E Wilson to accomodate added traffic to station. I understand an additional track may be added at the intersection so I hope that it means that FRA funds will pay for improvements but if not then the state needs to step up. This crossing should be a Quiet Zone.

* Improve crossings throughout district to allow for QZ through the entire corridor from Wirth Ct/Dixon Greenway to downtown.

* Retain street crossings and all bike path crossings. The goal should be to retain our urban grid.

* Work with City and neighbors to underground or “tube” the bike path near Kipp Plant @Gateway

* Work with City to determine if the rail can be relocated in Central Park. Recent planning for the park has proposed a new crossing at Few St but there would be fewer conflicts if that rail line did not dissect the park between Baldwin and Ingersoll.

* Work with the City, Friends of the Yahara River Parkway and adjacent property owners to look at ped crossing under tracks on the east side of the river and ped gates on west side of river at the bike path.

* Incorporate space for commuter rail at the downtown station.

* Address concerns about increased congestion. This could include making E Wilson and W Wilson two-way, accomodating Metro and other intercity bus service, a bike station, park and ride shuttles and other solutions.

* Construct a station that showcases the best of aesthetic and green design.

Thanks for the opportunity to share my thoughts and represent the interests of my constituents who value the opportunity to participate in decisions that will shape our community for generations to come.

Marsha Rummel
District 6 Alder
City of Madison
1029 Spaight St 6C
Madison WI 53703

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